Chapter 2: Beginings

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~Authors Note~
Wow, if you've read this far and want to keep reading and don't think this is complete and utter crap, thank you so much.

Chapter 3 status: in progress
Ch. 3 Estimated release date: soon, yay!

Should I start making chapters shorter? I can publish more often if I decide to do this. Comment your thoughts.

Honestly this chapter took so long because of the last sentence/paragraph/phrase. I was trying to figure out how to word it without it sounding cliche as heck, but whatever, I don't care xD

Please vote if you like this story ! "('▽`)"

Now, onto the second chapter!


"Argh... My head.." Rainbow Dash puts her hoof up to her skull, laying on her back.
Twilight slowly opens her eyes and groans. The sun burns into her eyes, but as her blurry vision focus, she notices something is off. The sun, it's not round like in Equestria. It was square. She gasps for air as the feeling returns to her body, and the numbness leaves her. They lay on green grass, but everything around them looks like cubes. The trees, hills, clouds, too. They seemed to be near a small pond surrounded by blocks that looks like sand, although the water was normal. Sitting up, she looks at her hooves, then down at herself, and at the other mares. They all looks just like they would back in Equestria.
Fluttershy rolls onto her stomach and props herself up, shaking.
"A-are we dead?"
"Of course we're not dead" Rainbow Dash says, beginning to rise to her hooves and test out her wings by slowly flapping them and looking herself over.
"Where are we?" Rarity starts to prop herself up.
"Ah don't know, but this place sure is weird." Applejack had already trotted over to a nearby tree, made entirely out of cubes. Putting one hoof up to it, she scans it up and down. The wood felt smoother than in Equestria. The leaves seemed more firm.
Twilight gets up, groaning. "So this is it." She looks around. Behind her were miles of dark, tall trees. To the right lay a jungle, with towering trees and tangled vines.To the left, a giant, steep cliff and mountains, with snow on top. In front of them, a forest of short to average sized trees, and a few hills.
Rainbow Dash flies up. "As far as I can see, everything is made out of cubes."
"It's so strange..." Twilight flies up next to Rainbow.
"C'mon, we can't waist any time!" Applejack yells up to them.
The two mares fly down, a few feet above the ground. "Which direction would Pinkie most likely have gone?"
"Probably not towards the evergreen trees, because it looks a lot like the Everfree forest." Fluttershy says. "You guys should try and get a better view from the air without me...Since, you know." She looks at her wing.
The other two ponies fly up. "See anything?", Rarity shouts.
"Well other than the extremely odd terrain, no. No sign life, nor of Pinkie, either." Twilight returns to the ground once more. "The most logical place to go would be the jungle. That would be where any food most likely is."
"We just need to find Pinkie Pie and get out of here. I'm starting to worry about Sweetie Bell...She thinks I'm out running an errand..." Rarity begins to panic. "We have a way out, r-right?"

"Of course! I wouldn't bring us all in here without a plan! I'll use the same spell that I used to open this portal to create a portal back. And the imbalance of the dimensions only pulled one pony in, so that means they were equal until we came, unbalancing it again. It'll be easy to get back to Equestria, considering that coming back would even out the unbalance. We just have to create the portal in the same spot we spawned. The connection between the two worlds is like a tunnel. Not curved. So we need to enter that tunnel by creating an entrance where it opens." Twilight feel suddenly anxious. She had never tested it from this dimension. And just because her portal worked once, doesn't mean it would always work. Maybe there was only a 1/10th chance that it would work, and she got that 10% chance to open this portal...what if there was only a 1/100 chance...or 1/1000, or 1/1000000...
She couldn't afford to think like this.
First things first.
"We better start moving. Pinkie could be anywhere, and, by the position of the sun, looks to be about noon."

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jun 29, 2015 ⏰

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