Lotor. Chapter 6.

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"so what's the plan" Lance asked as he, shiro, keith and pidge sat in the green lion hanger. "kick some ass" Keith grunted and Pidge nodded with him. "we cant just rush into the castle and attack the people or lotor, we dont even know what room he in and if its a trap we screwed since we dont know the grounds well" Hunk said with worry. "even if we do ask the people for a map of the planet or castle they keep some rooms hidden or left out so we cant just walk around like we know the place" shiro sighed and crossed his arms. "leave the castle plans to me, i can give us a full detail map in ten minutes" Pidge grinned shocking the others. 

"how" hunk asked shocked since anyone who knew about the planet well enough is mostly dead or on the bad team. "just trust me and dont ask" Pidge sighed since she didnt want to give her name up or past. "i trust you" Keith smiled and Pidge smiled back before going over to her desk and started drawing the castle map on some paper. 

"what was that" lance whisper to the other three since keith just gave out his trust with a smile and he never done that before. Even with them he never told them he trusted them not with a smile or full of hope at least. "i dont know" Shiro whisper back in shock. 

Soon Pidge had the castle rooms and hallways all down. The five was looking over them and thinking of good spots to hide someone or for Lotor to be in. They all made a plan for tonight and didnt notice how many hours passed. Since a certain Princess came yelling into the room about how rude they were for just disappearing on her. 

"oh hey princess" Lance smiled as they all stood up and hid the map under some junk in the hanger. "dont hey me, where have you all been in a time like this" Allura yelled at them. "at a time like what" hunk asked with a worried smile. "dont tell me you didnt hear, the Rebels attacked a couple soldiers not long ago" Allura said with a frown and the Paladins looked to each  other in shock. "the rebels" Pidge asked and allura nodded. "we head to the castle and check it out" shiro said and the others nodded. "no you will not since you be coming with me to the leader room to protect him" Allura hissed. "i thought they didnt have a leader since everyone equal" Keith smirked with Pidge looking smug next to him. "just dont be rude and follow me" Allura sighed and they all started walking. 

"i guess we dont have to go looking for lotor ourselves" Lance grinned as they walked behind allura who was busy talking to a soldier that was leading them. "but how will we find the princess if we gonna be stuck with Lotor all night" Hunk said with a frown. "I send Pidge and keith out to check the halls or around the room, i lead it to your two to find her and get her out" Shiro said with a smile and they nodded. "we send you a signal once we taken her back to the Rebels or castle" Pidge smiled. "pidge when you have time, try to hack into the planet system and see if you find any new info out .. i still want to know what been going on here" Keith whisper and Pidge nodded with a smirk. 

They soon reached a hallway and the guard stopped. "may the five paladins walk to the last door and keep the king protected all night, dont let anyone else enter his room not even a guard or servant here" the guard asked. 

"understood, when will we know if its safe to leave or to stop protecting him" Shiro asked since it seemed no one else could go past an invisible line at the start of the hallway. "we ring the castle bell three times to say its safe but we would mostly like you five to stay all night" the guard replied and the others nodded.

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