411 18 8

20 minutes before when
Seulgi's at the convinience store...

-taeyong's pov-

The van stoped, since its already dark outside and the street are empty because 9:00 PM curfew. We can freely move our butts. The manager said that we should walk besides I knew the place.

" What's that garbage you brought, Mark?". Johnny asked Mark.

" It's a maniquin, Haechan made me do his project instead of him." Mark said.

"Why a maniquin?". Yuta asked.

"He said they'll be experimenting used a maniquin". Mark answered." But this is useless anymore because they change their mind" he added.

After five minutes, wa walk silently in the dark alley.

"Uhhh..its taking forever! Are we there yet?" Mark protested.

" You're already tired? We just walk for 5 minutes and you're tired?". I said.

" How was I supposed to know that!". Mark frowned.

"Were almost there, dont worry". I patted Mark at his shoulders like a mom.

" Yah! You should throw that trash around". Yuta argued.

While walking Mark and Yuta keep arguing, then I saw a figure of a girl infront of us but she was quite far.

She keep on glancing on us, I wonder if she notice us, cause if she would, we are BUSTED. Im getting nevous all of the sudden and starting to protect my face.

" Is she from the Dispatch?" I thought.

"Uhhh...Its so heavy where should we put this?!". Mark sighed.

" Just put it here besides no one is here!" I said while still looking at the girl.

" There's a lot of girls to catch around here, I hope". Yuta joked.

Jaehyun laughed under his masked.

I cant help to giggled a bit because of Yuta.

"I--". Ive been cut off by Johnny." I think she need some help?". I looked infront and I saw the girl been layed on the cold ground. We hurriedly walk towards her and I picked a weird thing that looks like a " tiny diapers". I didnt mind and going to help the girl.

I looked at her and her face was so red. I think she catch a cold or something. " Gwaenchana?" I asked while lending my vacant hand.

She slowly open her eyes, luckily we wear our mask. Suprisingly she suddenly stood up and she was like looking confused.

Is she on amnesia?

I cant clearly see her face because its fricking dark. Suddenly, she screamed out a blue.

"AAAAAAHHHHHHH!!!!!!!! GO AWAY!!! GO AWAY!!!" SHE screamed and keep repeating the word "go away!" while running away.

Actually we were dumbfounded. We watch her running away until she was gone in sight.

"Mwoya?.." Yuta questioned while scratching his scalp.

Mark and Jaehyun laughed at how the girl reacted. While Johnny's face was still wearing a " what was that" look.

" what the heck was that?" I asked but no one answered me ,instead they just watching me.


"What's that in your hands, Ty track?". Yuta asked between his giggling tone.

I looked at my hands, I forgot that I was holding this weird unfamilliar thingy. " This? I dont know, I just pick it up and i forgot to give it back.."

"Do you know what that is?" Johnny asked while laughing.

I raised my eyebrows, still confuse and curious about this thing. " noo..?"

"That thing youre holding is what so called " pads". For womens monthly puberty days. They used that for... I dont know thats all I know cuz Im a namja.." Yuta explained whiel putting his arm around my shoulders.

I am completely shocked and looking at the pads back and forth. " We should give it back, she definitely need this!"

They just laugh of how dumb I am.
" Seriously guys, she need this.."


- At Grandpa's House-

Meanwhile, the boys arrived at Taeyong's house. Taeyong excitedly open the door, once they entered, Jaehyun jump on the sofa while Mark and Yuta was racing like a child looking for their room upstair.

Johnny who was very hungry went straight through the kitchen finding something to eat. Lastly, Taeyong who misses his grandoa's house wondered every single room of the house.

He went straight through his old room were he and his grandpa would play around, playing piano or reading him his favourite story book.

But now, only the things and memories remains but the person who made Taeyong happy except my family is gone.

Taeyong remembered all the moments he shares with his grandpa. He would never forget thise memories and it never will, he cherished it very much.

Taeyong sat at his old bed touching the soft bed, he soon laid down and watch the ceiling. He stared at the ceiling blankly, suddenly he smiled.

When he remebered the day were his grandfather gave him his first ever bracelet. At the moment, he remember the GIRL..

The mysterious girl who saved him from the bully. The girl he spend his childhood with but he never know her name.

" I wonder how she look like right now"

Swory for not updating gays..pls comment and vote

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