Chapter 1

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Okay so heres a new story!! I just had to write this!! so let me know what you think.. oh and a HUGE thankyou goes out to xxracheal29xx for translating the phrases!!! And this chapter goes out to her!!

Chapter One:

Have you ever gotten the feeling that the world- and you might even go so far as to saying God- was out to get you? Yup, that one. Well that is exactly the feeling I had when my foster parents- the real ones are locked up for good thank heaven- told me that we would be moving from my hometown of Mexico City, Mexico to San Jose, California.

" Como que yo no voy a terminar mi ultimo año de escuela superior aqui?? Esta es mi vida y si me la quitas no voy a tener NADA!!" (What do you mean I won't be finishing senior year here?? This is my life take it away from me and I have NOTHING!!) I yelled at Angelina, my foster mom before my foster dad, Hector took over the conversation.

"Gabriella Eva Montoez apologize to your mother right now! And please stop speaking all in Spanish, where we’re moving to the people are going to have no idea what you’re talking about. What we’re talking about is a move for the better and if you insist on making this a painful move for us, we can take freedoms away like Bentley." My eyes widened and I watched in horror as he walked over to the side table and grabbed my car keys. Nobody messes with my car, not even my foster dad, and gets away with it. I walked swiftly over to him and snatched my precious keys up hating the victory in his eyes.

"Fine, I will move to the freaking city of San Josie and I will help with the boxes. If you get lucky I might even go to school. But don't think, not even for a second that since I'm making this easier on you, that I am not going to make this harder on La ciudad del Infierno (City of Hell)" I was walking to the stairs, taking in Angelina's whispered gasp at my behavior when I turned on my heel, "And never call me Gabriella again, ever." I went halfway up the stairs. "Now if you'll excuse me I am going to go to bed to try and not be cranky tomorrow on the flight out to San Josie." Marching up to my room, I laid out on my bed.

Normally I am a good kid. Normally I do what I'm told and carry on with life. Normally I am everyone's idea of the perfect child. But things haven't been very 'normal' around here since the letter stating my parents release date. I don’t think I even remember what being 'normal' was like. It’s hard to be normal when you get no sleep from having nightmares about your evil parents, and have to spend every waking moment alert and onguard. I was sick and tired of the whole ordeal.

The truth is, Angelina and Hector are good people,and they don’t deserve a nuisance like me around. Apparently my situation is troubling enough that we have to move our residence to America. As if they couldn't find us there. God only knows what kind of connections my dad,who used to bea well known judge, made with all the slime balls he let loose because they were willing to do his dirty work.That made me shudder just thinking about it.My parents look like saints, but inside they are the most evil people you will ever have the misfortune to meet. I reached over and pulled out Niña Perdida (lost girl).My favorite pieceof fiction, one that I wished was my own life. I touched the spine of the well-used book and opened to my favorite chapter.

Miranda closed her eyes to try and escape her father, who was descending upon her with a whip. The first three strikes she didn't even feel, she was too busy dreaming up a mental picture of Carlos. His smile, his laughter,and the way his strong arms held her so gently as if she was all he needed in this world.

She felt his breath on her neck that night she slipped away from this nightmare and spent the night in his arms; protected. She was good at this, she even conjured up the way his tone of voice sounded when he was so mad at her for cutting herself on the scissors she had accidently dropped that day.

Those words were saying something else, doing something else. At the sound of a scream, not her own which was strange, her eyes snapped open. Her father was lying across the room face down on the floor. Dead or not she didn’t really care. All that mattered was the gorgeous creature in the middle of the room that was looking at her with such intense love, her heart melted. Her Carlos… Her knight in shining armor… He had come to save her, just like he promised.

He saved his lost girl.

Laying my book down, I closed my eyes and before I knew it, our moving date was upon me.

The entire plane ride was- for lack of a better word- uncomfortable. I ignored my parents completely and gave black stares to any brave soul willing to look my way. Let’s just say after the long three-hour flight, everyone around me was eager to get out of the enclosed space with what appeared to be a girl with a bad case of PMS. As soon as the hatch opened I was out of there heading to pick up all my bags, still in a bad mood. Even my parents telling me that Bentley had arrived safely to the house didn't cheer me up. I put my hood up and slouched in the nearest chair waiting for my bags to come around the loop. I saw one of my two huge Louis Vinton bags come around and rushed to get it. Unfortunately, I hadn't seen the person who went to grab their bag, which was right in front of mine, at the same time as me.


I was knocked backwards, and if ithadn’t been for the fast reflexes of the person I had bumped into, I would have ended up sprawled on the floor. My vision went hazy for a bit but I blinked and tried to refocus, hearing an intake of a breath. When my eyes came back into focus they instantly locked on the most beautiful pair of sky blue crystal eyes I have ever seen. They looked frantic too.

"I am so sorry!! Gosh I am sucha klutz!! I was daydreamin' and then the next thing I know BAM! I walked into you I am really truly sorry!! Man and I ruined your shirt too!! Here let me give you my sweatshirt, no no, it’s the least I can do." I was stunned as I watched the pixie of a girl that I had run into, yes it was a girl. 'A very strong girl with fast reflexes' I thought. I looked down to find my coffee from Starbucks was running down my favorite shirt. Sighing I took the sweatshirt without complaints and went to pick up my bag. I felt the girl follow me and I turned around, not in the mood to deal with this.

"Are you just going to leave?By the way, my names Hazel, Can I buy you a new coffee or shirt? I still feel terrible." I looked in her eyes to find she really was sorry, she was tearing up. God why me? Now I have a crying girl on my hands, sighing again I knew the quickest way to get rid of this girl, a plan I had cooked up on the flight over.

" Perdón, yo no hablo tu lenguaje niña enanita, ve y molesta a alguien de tu tamaño (Sorry I don’t speak your language pixie girl go bug someone your own size) " I saw her expression go from sad and upset to confused. Giving her an apologetic smile, I took my bag off and headed to my parent’s rental car. They had already gotten their bags and pulled up to pick me up. I threw my bags down in the back and must have fallen asleep because the next thing I remember was Hector carrying me up to my room as if I weighed nothing. Kissing me on the forehead he exited the room. I rolled over and dreamt of my knight in armor waiting to swoop in and save me.

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