Chapter 6

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Well hello everybody. I am back from hibernation. Hahahaha. I re read my book and not going to lie there is some major changes happening to Change Our Life and Over Again. What was I thinking with grammar and stuff?? So keep an eye out for the next couple of days from fixes and changes. Thank you guys for the love and support over the years. As I am settling into my career I want to find time to continue writing.


Hannah's POV

I start to stir as I awake from my sleep. I felt the shock of pain shoot up my body as I tried to move. My eyes are still shut, as I could feel the blinding white lights of the hospital room without even having to open my eyes. I whimper in pain as I stop nestling around in my sheets.

"Don't move around, please. I don't like seeing you in pain." A hush voice spoke to my left. The same recognizable voice that I seemed to love.

I let out a small chuckle from the comment. "You know this isn't my first rodeo with this, Niall." I spoke softly.

My eyes still closed, I felt a warm hand lightly grip mine. A thumb rubbing my hand assuringly. The silence in room felt nice. I listened to the beep from the heart monitor, the footsteps of nurses and doctor's outside of my room, and the voices of the French people talking outside of my room.

"I'm sorry." Niall spoke in a whisper. 

I finally cracked open one of my eyes, to see him. He looked so restless, fatigued, but yet so handsome. His hair a mess, the tired look in his gorgeous eyes. Those eyes. 

"You saved-" I started to speak, being instantly cut off.

"No, stop. I'm sorry for putting you through everything that happened. If I told you how I really felt outside that day, none of this would have ever happened. I left you in the cold, vulnerable, and alone. Look where it got you. This is my fault." He let out, looking away. I knew he felt defeated. My heart ached for him. But also, he wasn't wrong.

I longed to know how this man felt about me. Ever since day one, we've been a rollercoaster. But deep down, I wouldn't change a thing. Crazy, right?

I sat there, taking in and processing his words, trying to find a response. I slowly open my eyes, groaning trying to adjust the bright light. "Niall." I started, slowly moving my aching body sideways to face him.

He picked his head up to look at me. My heart swelled and my stomach leaped as he looked me in my eyes.

"Thank you. Thank you for everything you did for me. Even if this is what your job is, you always find me. I lo-" I cut myself off quickly, catching my error. "I really do appreciate you." I gave him a small smile, still holding his tattoo'ed hand.

He dropped his head, I could tell he was returning the same small smile.

"But Niall-" I began. He picked his head up again. "How do you even feel about me?" I finished. "Where do we even stand?"

His eyes gazed into me. I tried to not get my hopes crushed. 

"Not here." He said. "I am not doing this while you're laying in a hospital bed due to me."

I nodded slowly, going back to my original position in the bed, slowly but painfully. I groaned slightly.

"Do you need more medicine?" He asked.

I nodded slowly, clenching my eyes closed in pain.

He got up, and left the room, leaving me to my own thoughts. 

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 03, 2019 ⏰

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