I wake up and sana walks in the room.
Sana-"thank god your awake you went to sleep yesterday at the 2 pm and its the next day"
Jasp-"wow really"
I look at my tummy and its huge i cant even see my feet. Sana helps me up out of bed and my water breaks. I gasp.
Jasp-"i just peed on myself"
Sana laughs
Sana-"no your water just broke"
Jasp-"what does that mean"
Sana-"its means rosie is going to be born soon"
I started to freak
Sana-"calm down. Your gonna start getting these things called contractions and you have to let me know when you have a cramping pain"
I nod and i try to relax. My hands are literally shaking ,she ties my hair up.
Sana-"do you want me to tell namjoon"
I call him and he answers
Joonie-"what's up"
Jasp-"um m-my water just broke"
She takes the phone
Sana-"she's very scared right now because her water broke and meaning rosie will be born soon"
Theres alot of talking and screaming in the background.
Joonie-"okay we'll be there in three minutes"
She hangs up
Sana-"you wanna stay in Your room"
I nod and i scream in pain
Sana-"breathe your having a contraction"
I breathe in and out and she takes my shirt off of me and she puts a sports bra on me and she puts me in comfortable shorts.
Sana-"now your gonna get sweaty and stuff"
I nod.
Jasp-"i dont want any guys in here"
Sana-"okay ill tell them"
I have another contraction and the guys get here. Sana yells
Sana-"no one come in here"
I wipe my tears and i have another one and i scream into the pillow. She pats my back.
Sana-"i know i know Just breathe"
I breathe in and out.
A few minutes later
Sana-"is everything okay"
Jasp-"im in so much pain Sana"
Sana-"its all gonna be over soon"
I nod
A hour later
Im screaming at the top of my lungs because of all the pain im in.
Jasp-"you said it will be over soon"
Sana-"your in labor jasp"
Jasp-"sana i wanna choke you right now"
Two hours later
Jasp-"can we go now"
Sana-"are you okay at the moment"
I nod and she helps me up and she walks me outside. I didn't the boys any where. She teleports us to the hospital
Time skip
Im in the hospital bed with a gown on. Sana is holding my hand helping me through the pain. She takes a selfie of us. The boys are in the waiting room.
Sana-"she's almost here"
Jasp-"im scared. Is it gonna hurt"
The doctor comes in
Doctor-"okay are you ready"
I nod and the nurses hold back my legs.
I hold sanas hand tight.
Doctor-"one... Two..three. Push"
I push and it feels like im trying to push a watermelon in my vagina.
Sana-"keep pushing jasp i see her head"
Doctor-"alittle more"
I push more and her head comes out and i cry from the pain. Sanas hand is about to turn purple.
Sana-"her head is out jasp"
Doctor-"breathe and relax"
I do as she says
Doctor-"give a towel"
The nurse gives her one
Doctor-"okay now push"
I push one last time and i hear her crying, they lay her on my chest and they wipe her off .
Sana-"you did it Jasp"
I cry alittle and i kiss her head,they put a towel over her.
Jasp-"shes so pretty"I put clothes on her, i hold her on my chest.
Sana-"hi rosie"
I smile
Sana-"do you want me to call them in"
I nod and she goes to the waiting room