You're Such a Fatass

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So I decided to write a multi-fic story! I literally got inspiration for this walking up the stairs at school... So I hope you guys enjoy it! As everyone knows, I am not Isayama.. If I was, Petra would be alive and Rivetra would be canon. Dedicated to iConfused once again! Just cuz cx


"Levi! Get your fat ass up and get another job or something! You can't just sit here moping around in piles of food!" Hanji gestured to the huge bag of potato chips that was now empty.

Levi had lost his job about 2 weeks ago. Ever since, he has became a lazy eating machine. He had lost his house and has been crashing at Hanji's house, much to her annoyance. She didn't mind it at first, but then he started eating all her food and not even looking for a job. He moved his head to the side so he could see the T.V.

"I don't need to get a job." Levi took a potato chip and put it in his mouth, chewing with his mouth open.

"Fine, but you are going to a gym. How much weight have you gained since moving in with me and Erwin?"

"That doesn't mean any-"

"How much weight have you gained?" Hanji asked more sternly.

"22 pounds." Levi grabbed a potato chip, but before he could eat it, Hanji slapped the chip out of his hand and snatched the bag. She then grabbed the remote and clicked the television off.

"You're going to the gym, and getting a personal trainer to get you back in shape! I mean look at you!" Hanji lifted up his shirt. "You've lost all your muscles! I'm calling the gym right now!" Hanji let go of his shirt and grabbed her iPhone 5S out of her back pocket. She unlocked her phone and started tapping buttons before putting the phone up to her ear.

"Hello, I'd like to sign someone up for a personal trainer... Levi Ackerman... 28... I need the toughest trainer you've got... One minute, let me get a pen and paper." Hanji walked into the kitchen and grabbed a pen and a notebook. She randomly flipped it open to a blank page. "Okay so what were the dates and times?... Uh huh..." Hanji started scratching words on the paper. "Uh huh... All right! Thanks!" She pressed the end call button and slid her phone back in her pocket.

Levi stood up to look at the things Hanji had wrote down on the piece of paper. "Did you seriously just get me a personal trainer?"

"Yes, your first appointment is tomorrow at 7:45 A.M. with Miss Ral."

"Great." Levi fell back onto the couch. "You probably got me some fucking bodybuilding 40 year old lady."

"It doesn't matter! You are going to get back in shape! I don't care if I got you a grandma as a trainer, you are going! Now go to bed!"

"It's 4 in the afternoon and you're not my mother."

"My house, my rules, got to bed!"

"Okay, mom." Levi stood up and started walking to the guest room.

"Don't you sass me!"

"Fuck off." Levi entered the room and slammed the door behind him.


"RING RING RING! RISE AND SHINE! TAKE A SHOWER AND GET TO THE MESS HALL!" Hanji yelled into a mega-phone that she may or may not have stolen from the construction workers down the road. She yanked the curtains open and ripped the blankets off of Levi.

Levi groaned in annoyance. "What the fuck, shitty glasses. It's" Levi grabbed his iPhone 4S and turned on the screen. "7 A.M? Fuck!" Levi shoved his face into his pillow.

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