Max Scribble (@MeatballKetchupPasta)
Casey Chandler (Silverwolffangs )
Phoebe Tier(Zodiacsigndude )
Zamira Rain(@shaddowmoonwolf)
Eva Balewa(TheGneissOne )
Jordan Jackson(jordan1ninjaboy )
Luna Nightfall(EclipseandFlareTheca )
Rachel Wall-E(EclipseandFlareTheca )
Gabriel Orion Weaver(zeldacraft3332222 )
Alita Williams(ArchieBlue )
Any Power...(A Superpower RP)CLOSED
Science FictionYou're part of the Sprime Era,Where each 12 years,new superheroes are chosen.Whether powers or no,any can be in the team,if you show potential. Now that you've been chosen,the evil and good has awoke.And while you're at it,the lore and mystery await...