Ch 02

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That day will forever be apart of Izuku. Ever since then he maid sure to avoid using any of his quirks abilities on anyone, why should he make his problems worse? There are enough roomers at school about him.

When Drill ran away from Izuku, he had bumped into the cops and was instantly restrained. But when the cops had captured him, he was sweating and blabbering about a snake he saw. The cops ignored what he was saying until he started describing it. Turns out, Drill had ophidiophobia. This blew up in the media because of how funny others saw it.

"The big bad villain Drill was recently caught in Musutafu running away from what, Drill himself said was a "snake"

"The villain Drill, who has 2 counts of murder and 1 count of attempted murder, is terrified of... of snakes?"

"A snake that was spotted by the villain Drill was described as 'large, purple, and has big green eyes', we've asked many in the area if they have seen such a snake and all had declined".

The news had become big but died down quickly but that didn't stop the rumors at school. Many who used to be close to Izuku during daycare had seen that form and instantly recognized the description the news reporter had talked about, and so began the rumors.

"Did you hear about the news of Drill? I bet that snake was Hebi"... "I bet he was trying to eat him!" Many had joked about Izuku eating other people because of his big appetite, but after the Drill situation, some people had started to believe it. These rumors and stories carried on into the last year of middle school.

Izuku's(age 14)POV...

I was a running a little behind getting out of the house today so I was hurrying. When I had finally made it to the school gate I had ran into something... or someone.

"Ah sorry-"

"Watch it you fucking Hebi"

I was shoved on to the pavement so quick that I didn't have enough time to see who I bumped into... ah... Kaccahn, just my luck. I  got up trying to avoid eye contact with him or anyone else gazing at us and quickly ran into the school building. I went inside the classroom and sat at my desk before the bell had ranged.

The school day went as usual. Get my work done, answer some questions, get harassed at lunch... you know, the usual. Bakugou's 'friends' took my lunch and replaced my all meat lunch with an all veggie lunch, like 'what's the point?' They know I won't eat it so there just causing more trouble for them.


Around the end of the day, our teacher began talking about our career sheets.

"You guy are now 3rd years now so it's time to start thinking seriously about your futures. I would hand out this future career forms but... I assume you all  want to be heroes"

The class erupts into cheers as they fire off their quirks. "Hey Teach, don't lump me in with these losers" I hear Kacchan say. 'He then starts to ramble on about how he will be the best and will surpass AllMight and will be supper rich dadadad stuff. He's so egotistical and arrogant and just-

"Oh, you're also going  for U.A, aren't you Midoriya?"


This is not good.

The room then fell into an uncomfortable as everyone turned their heads towards me... 'oh no, here it comes.'.... laughter, they all were laughing at me.

"Huh?! Midoriya?! NO way!!"

"Such of a quirk like that cant get you into the hero program!"

"B-But it's still something right? Sure it's a little weird but-" I try to protest back but before I can get a full sentence out Kacchan had exploded my desk, making me fall over.



Oh god, everyone is staring. Why aren't they helping?! Am I that much of a freak? Kacchan's coming closer! Why is he like this! What did I ever do to him? 


Please not so close

"Wait, please I don't want to c-compete with you K-Kacchan-"

"What can you do other than scare people? Tell me. Prove to me you're not some fucking freak, Hebi" Kacchan say snarling.

Why? Why I- I can't breathe?! To close! Please let this end already!


As the explosive blond got closer, cornering the shaking greenet it seemed as if Hebi was panicking more and more.

"I- I can-"

"Huh? I can't hear you Hebi! Why don't you tell our class what you can do that's not freaky eh!?"    


At this point, it seemed as though the scared boy was just mouthing words without actually saying anything.

"Hahaha! Look at this freak! Cant even prove he's not a freak!" Bakugou said towards there classmates who were laughing and pointing as they watched the show. Bakugou was about to send another explosion in Hebi's direction but before he got the chance, Hebi, who was too scared to control his own actions had quickly scratched Bakugou from his collarbone to the corner of his mouth.

"AH FUCK!" Bakugou said stumbling away from Hebi, holding where Hebi had scratched which was bleeding. "YOU LITTLE FUCKER," Bakugou said trying to activate his quirk against Hebi only to realize it wasn't working. "My quirk? Wha- Its that fucking venom in your nails isn't it!" Bakugou said purposely loud for the class to hear.

"Ew, he has what!", one girl shrieked. "As if this fucker couldn't get any more freaky," one of Bakugou's 'friends' said rushing towards Bakugou to help him.

Hebi was speechless. He didn't mean too, he was scared! Bakugou was the first to attack him... so why? Why were they treating him like shit for defending himself?

Hebi quickly ran out of the class ignoring the teacher yelling his name. He needed some space away from.... well everything. Hebi pushed open the rooftops door and sat down in a corner waiting for school to be over. 


Eventually, the school bell had ranged alerting Hebi that the school day was over. 


Damnet...why... why did that happened. Everyone must hate me now. I just..... I just need to get home and clear my head...

As I was exiting a.... familiar tunnel I heard a slippery gushy sound, instinctively I quickly turn around and see the sludge villain from this mornings report.

"A medium-sized hide in..." The sludge villain croaked as it began to pry itself into me, I cant.. BREATH.

"Don't worry. I'm just hijacking your body. Calm down". I was kicking and scratching but my venom wasn't working since it was sludge. Am I dying?

"It'll only hurt for about 45 seconds... then it'll all be over"

This day... this day, it keeps getting worse! Everything is becoming... splotchy... ITS GETTING DARK, NO I DONT WANT TO DIE! NOT LIKE THIS... NO!


"Hey Kid, you all right?"

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