Chapter 3

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As they broke down in front of her, Kuki did nothing, but offer her support and comfort.

Why did she make them feel so weak..."Come here," she grabbed Bruce's hand and dragged them away to the unisex bathroom, then locked the door behind them.

She grabbed some paper towels and wiped up their tears.

"Are you alright?"

They shook their heads.

"What's wrong?"

They remained silent.

"Want to come over to my house? We can talk there, if you want."

They didn't want to talk. But they didn't want to leave her presence either. They were scared. But she calmed them down.

Eventually they silently nodded and let her take them home with her.

When they got to her room, Kuki let them sit in her giant pile of rainbow monkeys.

"Now will you tell me what's wrong?"

They only shook their heads.

"If you don't tell me what's wrong I can't help you feel better," Kuki said holding up her Doctor Cuddles Rainbow Monkey.

The Depressed Kids stifled a giggle.

"Hah! Made you laugh!"

They blushed and looked away.

"Please tell me..." Kuki looked into their eyes.

"We're scared to tell you..."

"You don't have to be scared of me. I don't bite!"

"That's not it...we like you. you. And that's why...we're scared of what will happen to you if you involve yourself with the likes of us."

"Is that all? If anything was going to happen it would have happened already. Besides I don't care what other people think of me. All that matters is that I love myself."

"You don't get it...We're terrible people...We've hurt so many innocent kids...We've committed so many heinous acts that we can never take back..So many times...And we're scared...that someday, we'll hurt you too...and we'll never be able to forgive ourselves..."

"That's in the past, isn't it? Tell me, when was the last time you committed an evil deed?"

"...before we cast aside our status and perfect image...shortly before we became acquainted with you."

"See? It's been a while. You're different now."

"Are we really...? We used to be good kids, long ago...Gosh it's been so long we can hardly remember...We were so young...but then things happened. We became corrupted...we turned into monsters who only got satisfaction out of pleasing adults and making other kids wet their pants. We became so messed up...we completely lost ourselves, forgot about who we were, and what we used to be...Only now do we realize how foolish we've been...But it's too late now. We can never go back to the people we used to be. And we can never be forgiven for the sins we've committed...We've changed too much. So much that we can only recall bits and pieces from our days of innocence..."

"So what if you've changed? Sure you can't go back to the same people you were in the past...but is that really such a bad thing? Everyone changes over time. None of us are the same as we were five years ago. But that's no reason to get mopey. Change is necessary in order to learn from our mistakes and become better people. Maybe you did do terrible things in the past, but you realized your mistakes didn't you? That just shows that you're already starting to change, and for the better."

Her words sliced through their insecurities like a knife. It was like she knew the exact words they needed to hear.

"Does that mean you don't think we're bad people?"

"Maybe you were, but not right now. You really have changed. And I like you the way you are."

They started crying once again.

"Are you okay?"

"Completely fine..." they chuckled.

They may have changed but they had bits and pieces of themselves. And no matter what they became, as long as they were being their true selves, they weren't completely lost and broken.

"We love you," the Run-of-the-mill Kids from Down the Road, confessed to the girl they loved.

"I love you too."

"Can we kiss you?"

"As much you like."

As long as they continued to grow, as they changed, that was a step forward to becoming better people. And Kuki loved and accepted all parts of them.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 03, 2019 ⏰

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