story 1

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this one is a summer camp story

the camp is weird, it's basically for high schoolers and u can only go before ur senior year of high school and after that you cant attend anymore

the main character is a girl and she gets into a cabin and meets some other girls who has been to the camp before

then they go to the cafeteria and that's when she meets this guy (well two guys, the nice one and the not so nice one) who's the "bad boy".

all i remember about him is that he smokes a lot and the girl tries to help him to stop.

here are random moments i remember from the story:
-the girls (running on a threadmill(?))after drinking so many cans of monster
-the main girl ends up having a crush on a camp admin or something
- they were at the lake/beach and the main guy carried her there and drops her
-they did a play and the main guy and girl are obvs the main characters
-they had a paintball chapter and the girl wins either by jumping on top of the guy and hitting him or pretending to faint then hitting him
-the main guy locks the girl in the closet or something for dayyss bc she hid his pack of cigarettes or something
-the main guy and girl ended up doing pranks on each other
-the last chapter that i read was a prank that the main girl did and the guy friends helped her i think — basically what happened was they went to a pinata party and the kids started hitting the main guy who was covered and asleep (?)

okayy so i obviously don't remember it clearly bc it's been such a long time but hopee u guys can help me find it!!

thanks uu :)

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