A Promise to the Dead

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Naomi let out a sigh as she took a seat. She was sitting at one of the tables in the library. Her and Mason were supposed to meet up. This was her normal routine. To meet with Mason and study together. That was a reason why she was first in their class and he was second.

Naomi needed some sort of normal routine again, or she was going to lose her mind. The Deadpool was over. Stiles had figured it out. There was an old computer in the study of Lydia's lakehouse that contained the Deadpool. Once he turned it off, it was over. Everyone was trying to get back to normal again. Not having to look over their shoulders every two minutes. Not having to worried about people wanting to kill them.

The chair in front of her was pulled from the table making Naomi look up from her book. She smiled as she saw Mason taking off his bookbag and sitting down.

"Thank God you're back to studying with me." Mason let out a sigh. "I tried studying with Liam, and let's just say it didn't go well."

Naomi's smile faded when he mentioned Liam. She needed to move on. He clearly wasn't into her. "You study with other people? That's the equivalent of cheating on me. How dare you?"

"My dear, Naomi." Mason let out dramatically. "I never meant to hurt you. I don't like studying by myself."

"Don't let it happen again." Naomi scolded playfully.

"Yes ma'am." Mason laughed. "So, how have you been? I haven't seen you since the bonfire."

Naomi rolled her eyes. "The usual. My mom came home for two days. Didn't talk to me but once, and now she's gone again."

"I'm sorry, Naomi." Mason sighed. He hated how her mother treated her. "You can always come live with me. My mother loves you."

"I still dream about her cooking." Naomi told him.

"You're welcome anytime." Mason told her. It was quiet for a while. The two of them started studying for different subjects for the moment. That was until Mason spoke up.

"Can I ask you something?"

Naomi looked up. "Sure?"

"At the bonfire, Liam left. When he came back, there was a pink handprint on his face. When I asked him what it was from, he said 'karma.' He then spent the rest of the night staring longingly at you. Do you know what happened?" Mason asked. Naomi let out a sigh. She may be able to keep this from others, but she couldnt keep it from Mason.

"I slapped him." Naomi mumbled putting her head in her book. Her book was snatched from her hands. Mason marked her place before shutting it.

"You slapped him?" He asked shocked. "Naomi, I've seen you nearly cry because a bug got on you, and you're telling me you slapped him?"

"Yes. I, Naomi Florence, slapped him for being a grade A asshole." Naomi told him. "I wish I was never introduced to him."

"What did he do?" Mason asked. "I hurt him. I don't care if he's my best friend."

"I don't want to talk about it." Naomi mumbled.

"Please." Mason pleaded. Naomi let out a sigh.

"He said he didn't like me."

"Really?" Mason asked. "He's told me multiple times how much he liked you and how nervous he was to ask you out."

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