The end

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Since you all requested an ending..................being the gracious person I it is!!!


" Jesus are you alright in there? You have been in there for the past 15 minutes!" My best friend yelled through the door.

Asking if I was fine was a relative question. I was fine. But I was scared Harry wouldn't be. No I didn't cheat on him. No I'm not leaving him. No I didn't trash our place. No I didn't steal his money. I did the thing that scared most boys away.

I got pregnant.

And yes it is his! I would never cheat.

I stood here, 2 hours before the wedding, staring at the stick. Or should I say sticks. They all said positive in their own forms. Two lines, smiley faces, and a different colored dots. No matter the different signs they had and no matter how many times I re-read the instructions, they all meant positive. I was pregnant.

It started about a week ago. It started with throwing up. I would be getting sick every morning and just getting dizzy. I thought maybe I ate something, but then it continued. I had hoped I was not getting sick considering the wedding being so close. Harry thought I was getting nervous and that was what was causing everything. I told him I was nervous, but not that nervous. He had just nodded but I could see fear in his eyes. He thought I was going to back out.

This morning I had gotten up all giddy. I mean, I'm marrying the man of my dreams today. I had walked into the bathroom to do my morning business when I looked down. I didn't see blood........ Or anything. I had rushed out of the bathroom and ran to the calendar. The thought had just hit me. I was two weeks late for my period! I had started piecing together all the information. Morning sickness, missed period. I called Kate, my best friend, and told her to pick me up all the tests. When she got to the dressing place I ran to the bathrooms and tried them all. After waiting, they all said their final answers. I was pregnant.

So now here I was so fucking worried. My wedding is so close and Harry might be worried out of his mind if he knows I'm having this kid.

"Please just come out." My best friend pleaded.

I looked at myself in the mirror. I was a mess. My face was all splotchy from my crying and I was breathing heavily. I had no make up on considering I was supposed to be getting it done now. I stood up straight, smoothed down my clothes and walked out of the bathroom. When Kate saw my face she immediately knew what the results were.

I broke down crying all over again. She came close to me and was whispering calming things into my ear.

"Everything will be ok. Shhhhhh. Everything will be ok." She said.

I shook my head and pushed her away from me.

"You don't understand! He is not going to want this baby! He is going to leave me! He won't want to marry me! I will be left all alone again Kate! I can't do it, I can't do it, I need to leave now." I yelled. I rushed back into the room full of my dress and belongings.

"Why don't I go get Harry and-" Kate started.

"No." I snapped. "He can't know, I just- it's better-"

"No." Kate snapped back at me. "You do not get it! Harry loves you so much, he would be heart broken if you just up and left him! He would feel like an idiot standing at the alter with no bride walking towards him! I know you are scared something will happen but just stop worrying! Now I'm going to go get Harry and you are going to talk to him!" She turned on her heel and left, slamming the door behind her.

Jesus. Sometimes that girl really knows how to talk to me. I went and sat by the window. All the people walking to take their seats. All of them expecting to see the ones they love get married. I don't care about them. I'm mostly scared of what will happen between me and Harry.

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