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after the weekend had passed, it was back to school and studying which was basically a living hell. i had gotten dressed into my formal uniform and chucked on my school jacket. i quickly finished my morning routine and rushed downstairs to see my whole family sitting at the table. i grabbed my bag, said my goodbyes to my parents and quickly ran out the door. i plugged my headphones in and streamed some tyler the creator & rex orange county. as i was walking, i could hear slight footsteps from behind me, i ignored it and started speeding up my pace, until two large hands grabbed a hold of my shoulder and shook them back and forth, i turned around with a "what the frick" look on my face. ruel was smiling and giggling, i rolled my eyes as we continued to walk together.

once we arrived, we gained a few stares from each group, everyone did. i chose to ignore it before rebecca grabbed a hold of my arm tightly.

"stay away from ruel, okay", she whispered in an aggressive tone with anger in her eyes.

i stood there still startled about what happened before i quickly said something back.

"nah i'm good" i say back to her, pretty confidently

she just glares at me with her piercing blue eyes and straight blonde hair. she snaps her fingers before her minions follow along with her. that was pretty intense, i thought. ruel looked back at me.

"you good?" he asked

"yeah i'm okay" i replied softly

after that we headed to first period, i was annoyed when the thought of rebecca being in my english class rushed back to me. ruel and i sat in the middle of the classroom, then SHE entered. there was a free seat beside ruel so i knew she was just going to sit next to him.
she walked over towards us and began twirling her hair in circles with her eyelashes clashing together.

"hey ruely, you look so good today, wanna sit with my group at lunch babe" she said in an innocent tone

a wave of jealousy rushed through my gut and i had the urge to yell at her, but ruel looked like he was going to say something so i kept quiet, hoping his answer was something i wanted to hear.

"well, i- i- i'm, u- um yeah sure" he said in a nervous voice

"okay just wait for me outside class yeah?" rebecca replied innocently again

i knew she was fake, i knew she was only doing this to ruin his reputation. part of me just wanted to rip my heart out, and the other half of me just wanted to slap my best friends face until he realised all these things she was doing to him. how could he be so stupid? i knew he had a crush on her so i just let it go.

after that he turned his head back to me with a creepy smile plastered on his face, until he realised how annoyed i was, judging by my facial expression, his smile faded.

"naya im sorry, can i hang out with her?"

"ruel i thought you knew that her and i don't get along at all and i thought you wanted to hang out with me, ME ur best fucking friend"

"i'm so sorry naya, i really like her"

"so you're saying sorry to me because you want to hang out with the most idiotic, impudent girl in the whole entire school?"

"naya now you're being over dramatic!"

my eyes widened and i silenced myself after those words came rushing out of his mouth, maybe i was being over dramatic. i looked back at him with his arms crossed and his back resting on the chair. i was still mad at him, but i knew i was being over dramatic.

after the bell dismissed us to lunch, i grabbed my books with slight tears in my eyes and sprinted out of the classroom. i heard ruel calling out my name but i ignored it. at this rate, i don't like him.

he chose a rude, obnoxious girl over his own best friend. i laugh sarcastically at myself.
i hate this.

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