Part 54: See You in My Dream

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I thought that his request would be easy.

I am a deep sleeper, I can sleep easily and wake up hardly. His request for waking up later than him should be easy for me.

But, I was totally wrong.

My departing time was closer. I slept every night in his rooftop. I slept in always late, but I wake up as the earliest. I didn't want to spend my remaining time just for sleeping. I wanted to see him, kissed and hug him as much as I could.

O-NET in our school would be started by next week. Moreover, I needed to prepare anything for my study abroad. It rushed my mind.

In another side, Sun asked me not to talk to him about my departure time. I tried my best not to talk to him anything related to my departure. I found it was really hard to hide anything from him.

Then, afterschool, I drove him to his rooftop. I asked him to study at rooftop, or going to Oh's home to study together. It would not help him too much, but he would not be alone meanwhile I took preparation course and packing my stuff.

At that time, I finished my course for my study preparation. Then, I went home to prepare several things related to my departure. It made me so tired badly as I had to do it by I myself.

But, when I met him after tiring hours, it relieved. I went to his rooftop, he would be still waiting for my coming. I told him to sleep earlier, he didn't have to wait for me. He agreed.

But, he didn't do that.

When I came, he always was standing in front of his room. With that beautiful and warm smile, relieved by rushing hours along the day.

Thank you, My Sun.


I looked at my phone. It was about 4 am.

I have been woken up since an hour ago. As days before, I wake up earlier than him.

Nothing to do as he didn't allow me to.

I played with his face. I played with his nose, his ears, his cheeks, his lips. I was so happy to tease that sleep boy. I didn't know, how come that sleeping boy became so beautiful.

He whined.

He complained at me as I annoyed his sleep. But, I didn't care about that.

"In..... Please......", he whined.

I touched his cheeks with my fingers.

"That is cool", he complained

I moved to his ears.

I played with that. He opened his eyes.

"In.........", his voice was full of annoyance

"I am here", I replied him. "In front of you"

"I regret to ask you to sleep here lately"


"You are so annoying"

I smiled.


"So, let's sleep again. It is still early morning"

"But, I cannot sleep"


"I don't know. I couldn't close my eyes"

"So stay here. Don't move. I want to sleep"

"Okay, you can sleep. I just want to play with you face"

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