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8 Years Old

I was walking to the park across the street from my house. My mommy thought it would be nice, we just moved here from America, my mommy said we were moving here, to England, to make a new life. My daddy didn't come through, mommy said it was because he found a new family, I hope he doesn't forget about me and mommy. We have been here for a week and I haven't made a friend yet, that's why mommy made me come to the park. I don't mind not having any friends, I'm used to it. I like to be by myself, but it does get lonely.

I looked around the playground and saw not that many kids. I noticed the sand box was empty and ran to it, I ran to it and started to build a sandcastle, like my daddy taught me to, back at home. We would always go to the beach. We had a house on the beach, and we would stay there every weekend and most holidays. I loved it, I wish me and mommy could go back. But this is our new life. I was half way through my sand castle, when someone jumped on it.

"Hey!" I yelled. I looked up and saw a boy. He had black hair and blue eyes. "You just ruined my sand castle." I said almost crying.

"I don't care, you're in my sandbox, so get out." He said. I don't like him, he's mean. I thought to myself. I watched as him and his two friends stared at me, waiting for me to move.

"But it's a park, so it's everyone's sandbox, not just yours" I spoke, standing up. He looked at his friends and smiled. He pushed me down, they started to kick sand in my face, and laughed as they did it. I started to cry.

"Stop, please stop it." I cried.

"Hey, leave her alone." I heard someone yell. They stopped and looked in front of them. I pushed myself up on my hands and turned to my left, I saw a boy with brown curly hair, walking towards us.

"Damon, leave her alone." He said to the black haired boy. He rolled his eyes and walked away with his friends. I sat up and wiped my eyes. The boy with brown curly hair sat in front of me. He reached out his right hand and wiped some sand and tears off my face.

"Are you okay?" He asked. I sniffled and nodded.

"I'm Todd," He said, giving me a dimpled smile, and reaching out his hand.

"Adian." I said shaking his hand.

"Isn't that a boys name?" He asked with a small laugh.

"It can be a girls name too." I said crossing my arms over my chest. I turned my head to the left, I looked at Todd from the corner of my eye. He had a big smile on his face. I finally started to laugh, and he did as well. I think this is the start of a long friendship. Mommy was right, I would meet at least one friend at the park today.

14 Years Old

Me and Todd have been bestfriends for six years. We did everything together, still do, well almost everything. I was sitting on the porch waiting for Todd to walk me to school. We're both in middle school, eighth grade to be exact. Damon hasn't left me alone since the day at the park when we were eight. But when Todd's around he doesn't do anything, cause he knows Todd will beat him up. I guess you can say Todd is my knight in shining armor, he'll do anything for me, and he's very protective. I don't mind, I'm the same way with him.

"Good morning sleeping beauty." Todd said standing in front of me. I looked up and smiled at him.

"Good morning Maleficent." I said kissing his cheek.

"Rude." Todd chuckled. Over the past six years, with me living in England and spending a lot of time with Todd, I've lost my American accent, somewhat, you can still hear my southern drawl in some words I say. I mean living in Georgia for eight years of my life, I don't think it'll fully go away. I hope not, Todd thinks it's cute, my southern and English accents mixing together. I kinda like it too. It makes me different, unique. I like that.

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