If I Could Tell Her

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/! \ /! \ /! \ The music does not belong to me.  I only have a little tweak to go with my scenario but these are not major changes.  /! \ /! \ /! \


I waited impatiently for the end of classes to turn into my alter-ego and become the little spider of the neighborhood.

More than 10 minutes to hold Peter.  My god, time is passing slowly.

My gaze diverts from the clock to land on MJ.  Ahh MJ ... She is so classy and funny.  I mean, despite her dark humor she is funny.  She is so beautiful too.

I look at her and then, after a moment, she turns to me and frowns.

I look away quickly, as if I do not fix her, then come back to her with a smile.

She smiles at me then turns to the teacher without listening, reading his book instead.  Sacred MJ.

I reject a look at the clock.  What?!  9 minutes to wait ?!  I will die!

I then lay my head on my desk, staring at the clock.

The bell finally rings after those endless long minutes and I hurry to get out of this building.

Finally out and hidden in an alley, I take off my clothes and put them in my bag after taking my suit.  I stick my bag to the wall thanks to my webs, as usual, then put on my suit.

I stay a moment to look at my costumes, as always as I put it on, then run into the city.

I spend most of my time swinging in the air, looking at the city, or sending messages to Ned.

The only things I did were not very heroic .. In the sense that these are things that everyone could have done.  I helped a woman find her way, I stopped a man from stealing a young woman's bag, I did some photos with those who wanted to, and I helped people carry their bags.

Not very heroic as a hero but heroic as a person.  It's good to help people.

As the sun went down and I looked at it from the top of a building, I heard screams and then, turning to the source of the shouting, I saw smoke.  A fire!  I then rush to the place and quickly see the people outside.

"Is there still people inside?" I ask a young woman.

"Yes!  There is still a girl! She is my neighbor and I don't see her outside but she was at home!"

"I go there, call the help!" I said before I go into the building.  It was not very tall so easy to search.

Is there someone?" I scream.

No answer.  She may be out, but maybe not, I'll check it anyway.

I then go upstairs quickly searching each apartment.

It was only on the 4th floor that I found a girl lying on the floor, having trouble breathing.  I approach her and then have a shiver in the back.


I take her in my arms and then quickly leave the building.  Arrived on the ground, MJ coughs clinging to me then the woman to who I have speak a moment ago approaches.

"You saved her! Never a firefighter would have done so quickly.. I thank you young man."

"But there's nothing. I only do my job!"

She smiles at me then I let MJ to her and go see if everyone is okay.

Firefighters arrive then take charge of the fire and extinguish it after about thirty minutes.  Meanwhile, paramedics check people.  Once everything is secure and controlled, I'll see MJ.

If I Could Tell Her - Peter Parker x MJ [OS] /ENGLISH\Where stories live. Discover now