Down Boy

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Trigger Warning: Self Harm, Fighting

Chase's POV:

  WHO THE HELL DOES HE THINK HE IS! I thought to myself as Marshall left my pup house after saying he will "get me back to my old self" or whatever that's supposed to mean. Getting bored I looked around my pup house for something to do until I looked at my claws then at my wounded body. Yes I know it's a dumb thing to do but it takes my mind off of things and I've been doing it ever since Skye told us about her relationship with Rubble. The truth is even before their relationship Skye has been treating me like a damn disease to this world but I still loved her, well the old her. After I gave her plenty of hints of my feelings towards her she changed and her attitude went from 0-100 in less than .2 seconds. After that I just thought that I couldn't take anymore pain than heartbreak so I started cutting myself and with my fur being like a wolf's no one would notice. So with all the life I had in me I extended my claws and put three fresh new cuts on my front left leg. As I remembered the pain felt good so I did i it again but this time in my other leg. As I was cutting someone bursted through the door and I growled to find my worst enemy. Rubble. "So pup how's the single life treating you?" Rubble asked with a smug look on his face. I then got up and growled at rubble in an attack stance "Good hows the fat life treating you Tubby?" At that Rubble launched at me and so did I. With me being a German Shepard I was able to knock him outside but not without me going with him.

    When we landed we got to our feet circling each other as the others came rushing out to see what happened. "What's going on here and why is he outside?" Skye said looking at me like I was a cat. "Nothing babe just me trying to teach Hume a lesson." Oh my god Rubble don't try me bro I thought to myself as I growled back at him in a challenging way. "Finally someone is putting the big bad wolf in his place" said Zuma. I turned and growled at him but not before Rubble launched at me as I dodged the attack. I then tackled him to the ground and clawed at his stomach and face as he sat their and screamed. "CHASE DTOP IT YOUR HURTING HIM!" Skye said with tears in her eyes about her beat up boyfriend.

   "DON'T YOU EVER CHALLENGE ME AGAIN DO YOU HEAR ME!" I spat in his face but being the annoying brat he is he just spat back a "screw you pal no wonder Ryder hates you, your attacking an innocent little pup." Innocent nothing. Those words were enough to set me off as I growled at him and went at his neck for the kill. "CHASE STOP!" was all I heard before a flash of white and black tackled me to the ground as I looked up to find Marshall. "LET ME AT HIM!" I snarled back wanting to tear Rubble's face off. "No Chase listen to me, calm down pal just walk it off and try not to hurt anyone please" Marshall said trying to calm me down. "Don't tell me what yo do" I spat back at him trying to get away but he had me pinned good. "Please don't do this Chasey." I froze at the nickname Marshall called me. "What did you just call me?" I asked him calming down. "Chasey please stop just go to your pup house and cool off" Marshall said softly as if he were talking to a wolf animal. I simply just let out a puff of air and made my way back to my pup house. "Aww look, the big bad wolf has a soft spot for names how about princess?" Zuma said laughing after. I simply just glared at him and left resisting the urge to kill him right then and their. Down Boy.


Marshall's POV:
After Chase left to go back to his pup house I turned to the other pups who were just laughing and walking away. How could they do that to him he's hurting and they know it yet they decide to let him rot until he dies. I can't let that happen so without thinking any further I went to my pup house and grabbed my medical gear proceeding to try and clean Chase's wounds if he would let me. As I walked to his pup house I knocked on the door getting a simple come in then walking in and closing it behind me. "Chase I know you don't want my help or think you don't need it but please let me fix your wounds so they don't get infected" I tried to reason with him. "I told you their fine see they already healed now leave" he said with annoyance in his voice. "That's the thing Chase it looks like it healed wrong so please let me just take a look at it ok." He simply just huffed and turned so his back was facing me and so was the wound. I took that as a sign to continue so I went to the gash and took out some water and poured it on it earning me a hiss from the German Shepard. "Yeah that has to bed bad if water is affecting it" I said concerned for the health of my friend. I then started to clean the wound and applied bandages to it. "Your lucky Chase, the wound almost got infected but I was able to stop it but if it did you could have lost a limb Chase, you should have told me about it." He simply just huffed and turned to face me. "So your saying it's my fault that you cate for me too much that I should report every little injury to you?" He asked voice full of annoyance. "No but please if something does happen please tell me because it might be fatal for you Chasey." He tensed at the nickname but quickly relaxes and turns around to lay down. "If that's all you have to say then leave" he retorted. I sighed replying an ok before walking out the door and back to my pup house. I took off my gear than smacked myself over the head for doing the worst thing ever... I was falling for my best friend. His eyes are perfect and his toothy smile or the way his tail wags just screams I LOVE MY LIFE, but that all seemed to fade away and I missed it. Just thinking about the way Chase looked from his perfections to his flaws got me a little excited. When I noticed I mentally groaned thinking to myself. Down boy.

I hope you all enjoyed this chapter and remember to like and comment, so until next time bye!

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