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Hi guys! Thanks for checking out my story!

This is my first time writing a story, so I'm sorry if there are some careless mistakes...

Any and all feedback is welcome! Thank you again!! :)


{Parker's POV}

"MARCISOS! GET YOUR ASS OUT OF THAT DRESSING ROOM BEFORE I GET IT OUT FOR YOU!" David bellowed. He only calls me by my last name when he's getting pissed. I huffed, tugging the tight, black dress that David picked out for me down just a tiny bit more. Unlatching the door, I walked out, wobbling on the 6-inch heels that David also picked out for me. I held out my arms for balance, steadying myself. When I felt it was safe to stand up straight, I asked:

"Well. How do I look, Mr. I'm-Gay-So-I-Know-Fashion?" Stereotypical, yes. Generalizing, yes. Insulting to David, yes. The look on his face: priceless.

"Look, smartass, I'm not your typical run-of-the-mill gay best friend, alright? I can't believe I'm still saying this after going through high school with you. Oh, that's right. And college. And your first flat." He crossed his arms in exasperation and mild frustration. "I didn't kill my way up to the top of the pyramid. I shed blood, sweat, and a shit ton of tears to become a designer, alright?"

I held up my hands in the universal sign of surrender and chuckled silently to myself. "Alright, alright, I'm sorry. You're right, and I'm wrong, like always. Can I take these monsters off now, They're breaking my feet." I gestured towards the heels. You could probably kill someone with those.

"No. Now turn around in a circle."

"No. No way. It's backless."


"Too revealing. I feel like a slut."

"You look like one too."

I slap him hard on the arm.

"Kidding. Calm down. Now, turn around!"

I do as I am told, and waited for David's nod of approval. "Finally..." I sighed. "Why am I wasting money on this anyway? I don't need it, nor do I want it." I changed back into my t-shirt and athletic shorts. A couple hours before, David had offered me a ride. I asked him to take me to my swim practice, but he lugged me out here instead.

We walked towards the cashier, the dress folded over his arm. I made him ditch the heels. I wasn't really paying attention to tho whole checkout process, mesmerized by some shiny necklaces in a box.

"I'm taking you clubbing," David said in a triumphant tone, grabbing my arm and dragging me out the store. I stopped dead in my tracks, eyes widening in shock. I could feel the fury welling up inside of me.

"You're WHAT?" I screamed at him. By now, my hands were clenched into fists by my side, and any hint of humor or playfulness leaked out of me.

David tilted his head to the side and raised an eyebrow, clutching the fancy bag with my dress in it. We were only about 30 feet outside the store, and people were starting to stare.

"It's your birthday tonight, Parker. I'm doing something special for you," he said. I rolled my eyes in an overly dramatic way. "Besides, I might meet a cute guy..." he added in a whisper.

"Open Water Championships are coming up! This is my last year to compete before I'm too old to qualify, and I have worked my ass off for this meet! I did not miss practice to go clubbing with you, David! And I was going to meet Natalie Coughlin!" I was whining and yelling now, making frustrated motions with my hands. "I am not going to get any alcohol in my system, I am not going to potentially get roofied, I am not going to have some random guy grind his crotch onto me, and I am NOT going clubbing with you!"

"Yes you are. Look, I'm sorry for making you miss your practice and your meeting with Natalie Coffee-"


"-Natalie Coughlin. It's just, you know, you're everything to me, and I haven't been spending nearly enough time with you ever since I took up this designer job. And I wanna make this birthday special." David pulled he into a hug, and I tensed up even more. He responded by almost crushing my lungs. I could tell he wasn't going to submit to my anger, so I finally gave in and relaxed. I sighed a sigh of defeat, and mushed my face into the soft material of his cashmere sweater.

"Alright. I forgive you. Just know that you owe me a movie and a dinner date," I mumbled.

"Sorry hun, I know I'm hot, but I'm not into women."


The rumble of David's Jaguar slowly died down as he pulled into a parking spot in front of the Acropolis Club. I groaned and put my head in my hands, a tad bit careful not to smudge any of the mascara David put on me. I refused any other make up.

"You know, you're odd." David broke the silence inside the car.

I lifted my head up and grumbled. "What?"

"There aren't many Chinese Americans with a Greek last name."

"Um, excuse me, it's actually Greco-Chinese American," I corrected him. "My dad's from Greece, remember?"

"Duh, of course I remember, I'm like his son." He rolled his eyes. It's true- my dad absolutely adores David, for some reason.

"Then how am I weird?" I asked.

"Well, first off, your combo is rare. Second, you don't look like you have a single drop of Greek blood in your body. I mean, look at you. You look completely Chinese to me. Black hair, yellow undertone, brown eyes..."

"Really? You think I look completely Chinese?"

"Yes. And don't forget, I lived in Beijing for a year and a half, so I know Chinese."

"Yeah? Well me too. Join the club, son."

David laughed his deep, hearty chuckle. "I intend to."

He got out of the driver's side, and opened the passenger side door for me. I sighed one last time, and got out, pulling the hem of the dress down again.

"Oh, stop it, you look ravishing..." David smirked.

I swatted his arm. "Will you still love me when I'm no longer young and beautiful?"

"You're already past young and beautiful. You're fierce and sexy," he said in the same voice. I couldn't help but laugh. "It's true!" I could hear his voice waver from his chuckling. "That's what turning 23 does to you."

"Shut up and let's go, I wanna get this night over with..." I tried to keep my voice sad and depressing, but I couldn't keep my act up. We made eye contact, and simultaneously broke out into hysterical laughter.

When we composed ourselves enough to be presented at a prestigious club, he held out his arm, and I looped mine through his.

"Ready to start the best night of your life?"

"I think so."

"Then, let us proceed."

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 19, 2014 ⏰

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