chapter 1

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Tom stared stunned at the figure standing in front of him dripping water from his soaked cloak onto his expensive wood floors, hair sticking to his pale and drawn face, green eyes were wider than normal with fear and he was trembling faintly, from what Tom would guess to be cold, fear and tiredness if the bags under his eyes were anything to go by.

"Why are you here?" Tom finally managed to ask incredulously having actually been stunned into silence for the last few moments.

"Because I need to talk to you...privately," Harry added eyeing the four Death Eaters that were standing in the office as well. When he caught the look Tom gave him he sighed and rubbed his eyes tiredly. "Look I have had a really, really shit seven weeks, I found out some rather frightening news, which you need to hear, and I have just managed to escape from the Order of the Bloody fried chicken where they were keeping me prisoner at their headquarters to spend the last four fucking days making my way here using muggle transport so they couldn't track me down! I'm hungry, I'm tired and do you really think I am stupid enough to come here willingly to kill you when you have an entire house full of followers? Even if I managed to hold a duel with you for longer than five minutes I'm in no state to even think of ways to kill you let alone do it, never mind getting back out. So please, I need to speak with you!" Harry snapped. Tom blinking in surprise at the outburst, not only had the Order of the Phoenix been keeping Harry Potter prisoner for some reason, he had escaped them to come here and tell him something important, had admitted that he was in no state to duel him and was clearly in a state.

"Leave us," Tom waved his hand at the now stunned looking Death Eaters who had probably been expecting him to crucio the teen for speaking to him like that before they scrambled out the room in a rush when he glared at them.

Would you mind?" Harry asked waving a hand to a chair. Seeing him sway slightly on his feet Tom realised he hadn't been exaggerating about his state and nodded.

"Take off your cloak, it's soaked," He sighed standing and taking the item to hang on his coat rack. Harry looked slightly bemused as he found himself led towards the chair by the fire rather than the uncomfortable looking one in front of the desk but as he was freezing he didn't complain and sat down with a sigh.

"Alright, I have no idea what you could possibly say that led you to come here to speak with me but go ahead," Tom sighed settling into his own chair across from Harry, as Harry opened his mouth to start what was clearly going to be a long story he interrupted. "Make it quick," to which he received a glare.

"Fine see if this is quick enough for you. I'm pregnant, your the dad," Harry spat folding his arms and glaring at the stunned dark lord.

"Pregnant, yes," Harry finished for him.

"And I'm..."

"The father, yes. There you did take it all in, you are a smart Dark Lord!" Harry drawled.

"Do you take me for a fool boy! Even if you are pregnant which is very rare in males, I haven't slept with you, how on god's earth could I be the father?" Tom roared, anger clearly blazing from him as he stood with his wand in his hand. Harry however sensed that there was something more to this than just anger at the thought of being lied to.

"That's why I was going to take time explaining it and not just saying 'hey I'm up the duff and your daddy number two! Think it'll have your eyes or mine?' but no, you wanted to ruin the perfectly good speech I had planned out by demanding a short explanation, no doubt you would have tortured me if I had taken my time so I told you!" Harry snapped.

"That still doesn't explain why you think I'm the father!" Tom snarled.

"Magic. I am well aware that we didn't sleep together thank you, and no I don't need the birds and the bees I am perfectly aware of how babies are normally made. We however are apparently neither normal nor conventional and are toys to the fates or whoever it bloody is that likes to have a play with my life," Harry huffed rubbing his face.

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