Whispers at hells gates

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As Skylar walked through the crowded hallways she heard the beginnings of rumors and the sound of whispering. She felt the rude glares and stares at her while she made it to her locker ,which was written on a yellow sticky note . She set her textbooks in the reasonable sized locker . "Wow... I can't believe she's back ..." She heard only feet away. Why does school have to be such a hell hole ? She thought to herself just before the bell rang making her way towards her first class , History. When she entered the class she sat at the back of the class . " Hey Skylar. You know I'm having a party this weekend if you wanna come ? No ? Oh yeah that's right you can't talk !" Quinn said mockingly . Skylar stayed silent no matter how much she wanted to let loose . She hated Quinn with a passion. He was her everyday bully. He never left a day without mocking her .

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