Bad Boyz Club Episode Six Promo

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Next Time On The Bad Boyz Club...............

Trayvon//You dont want this pressure my nigga!
Steven//I do...i really do want it.
Trayvon//So bring da–
Steven runs up and pops Trayvon*
Trayvon swings Steven towards the floor but quickly stands*
Steven continues to deck Trayvon*
Shows Kevin and Y'mir getting blocked by Corey*


Shows Kevin and Y'mir splashing Corey and Trayvon*
Kevin//I feel like we gone have a good ass time now.
Y'mir//I just hope it aint finna be no drama for the rest of the night.
Corey//That part.


Camera shows the roof of the mansion*
Shows Dontae walking up on Steven*
Shows Dontae pointing his finger in Steven's face*
Dontae//Imma beat df outchu my nigga!
Steven//For what!? Cuz i got feeli–
Dontae decks Steven in his jaw*
Steven decks Dontae back and grabs his hair*
Transitions to Steven and Trayvon in each others face*
Steven//You been startin wit me ever since i got here!
Trayvon//IDGAF! You a bitch and you dont belong here!

Corey Int//I knew this wasnt finna go well today.

Shows Trayvon deck Steven*
Shows Dontae and Steven on the floor punching*
Shows Trayvon punching Steven on the floor*
Shows Dontae and Steven holding onto each other while punching each other*
Shows Trayvon run up on Steven and pushes him into the pool*
Shows multiple fight clips of Dontae vs Steven and Steven vs Trayvon*
The screen blacks out*
Living In This House Can Make You Change In So Many Ways.

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