Making Roots

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Dean and Cas have been together a long time. Years, in fact, since Dean stopped hunting to settle down with the guy.

Sam has done the odd job since then, but mostly he has become the new Bobby, covering up for other hunters and researching, always researching (he is very happy with this arrangement.)

He settled down with one of his old flames, Sarah.

But back to Dean and Cas.... It took a few weeks of Cas' patient waiting before he could come out to Cas, to explain to Cas how much he liked him.

Cas appeared to be stuck human, but Metatron was quickly taken out and Heaven was all fixed... Sans its Thursday angel.

Dean tried to compete with Heaven. He really did. He was the sweetest boyfriend, a complete sap really.

So in tune with Cas' emotions that as soon he caught a whiff of a bad mood, he'd swoop in with chocolates and popcorn and a movie.

Today would be their four-year anniversary, and it was the Fourth of July.

Dean, grilling some burgers to celebrate with their friends and family, took a moment to recall their first date, and the moments leading up to it.


"Will you please... Stay here with me?" Dean asked Cas, pleading with his eyes.

Cas had a choice- be a hunter with Sam or go with Dean.

"Of course I'll stay, Dean. I'd be happy to stay with you. Do you know why? You're my friend, Dean. I would be glad to spend the rest of my short human life with you."

Dean bites his lip. "Would you do that, please?"

Cas smiled another soft smile.

"Of course, Dean."

Dean couldn't help it, he pulled Cas in for a quick hug.

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