Good Old Fashioned Lover Boy

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A/N : Hey you guys! I hope you enjoy my first oneshot, it's quite cliché and unoriginal but I hope it takes your interest. See y'all on the other side!

Word count: 1752

I wake up to my alarm, viciously hitting snooze before I sit up to find Pearl, my cat, on my bed next to me, fast asleep. I slip on a pair of lilac slippers that Freddie bought me for my birthday last week. I head to the bathroom and brush my teeth and wash my face, and then get changed into a blue dress with a flowing skirt and pretty lace patterns on the bodice. Although it's a Sunday, Freddie wanted us all in the studio so he can share a "wonderful idea" that he has for his new song.

I've been Queen's personal assistant for 1 year now, and although my job is strictly professional, the boys are like brothers to me. We all get along like a family.
Except for Brian.

From the moment I saw him, I knew that I would slowly fall in love with him. His soft hazel eyes that burn into my skin like molten caramel, his boyish grin that flashes his perfect teeth, his long, curly hair that frames his face perfectly, his long, slender fingers that play his Red Special guitar so well...
I could write an 8 part book series on how much I love him. But I know the feeling will never be reciprocated. He clearly only seed me as a colleague, maybe even a friend. Although I have these troubles with Brian, me and the other boys get along extremely well. Deaky always takes me out to lunch on the first Saturday of the month, where we have the weirdest and wildest conversations ever. Rog always Bunks at my house whenever Freddie and Brian have another argument at their shared apartment. And I'm always the first person that Freddie will tell about all the latest gossip within the band. I feel connected to them all, yet my connection with Brian feels slack because of the lack of time I get to spend with him. Either way, I doubt my feelings will subside anytime soon.

I get to my front door where I slip on a pair of white ballet pumps, grab my white cardigan, and sling a blue handbag over my shoulder. I grab my keys and set off to the studio. Fred wants us there by 10:30, but it's only 9:45. I decide to stop at a little cafe on the end of my street and grab us all breakfast. A hot chocolate for Deaky, a black coffee for Roger, a tea for Fred, a caramel latte with almond milk for Bri, and an iced coffee with soya milk for myself. I also buy 3 croissants, a bagel, and a scone just in case they are all hungry.

As I pull up into the car park, I only spot 3 cars in the driveway. Fred's, Roger's, and John's. That's strange, I think to myself. Brian is usually the first one there, then John, then Roger, and Fred will arrive an hour late.
As I walk into the studio, I look through the glass partition to see Deaky strumming random tunes on his bass, Roger sat behind his drums, smoking, and Freddie sat on a chair, talking to John. I walk through the door and everybody stops what they are doing and looks directly at me.

"Haha, you alright guys?" I ask, letting out a nervous chuckle. "Damn Y/N, you look amazing!" Roger practically whispers, and I let out a girly giggle. Freddie adds "He's right, you look simply beautiful, darling!". I flash Freddie a small smile and look over to Deaky, who is sat down with his jaw wide open, staring at me.
"I didn't overdress, I hope!" I manage to say, breaking the tension.

"I think you look perfect."
The warm air in the studio suddenly turns a crisp cold, and I shudder at those words, and the silky voice that produced them, from behind me.

I slowly turn around and feel all the heat in my body move to my cheeks. I try to say something back, but my throat seems to have closed up. So instead, I smile at him, and look down at my feet.

"Owch, you've got her all flustered now, Brian!" Roger remarks, getting up from behind his drum and walking towards me to pick up his drink. "N-No no, I'm f-fine...really" I squeak, looking up to see Brian's chocolate eyes staring into mine. I quickly look away, and see Brian blush out of my peripheral vision.

I hand Bri his drink, along with everybody else, and they all thank me. I slip myself down on one of the red leather sofas while I sip my iced coffee and munch on a croissant. I begin to flip through some paper work, not really paying attention to the boys, while Freddie starts rambling on about what his song idea is. My focus is automatically broken when I hear the angelic sounds of the Red Special, and Brian humming along to Freddie's singing. J immediately freeze, but soon relax and melt into the sound that the guitar is producing. Brian swiftly ends what he was playing and I snap pit of my daze. Deaky seems to notice this, and asks me "Y/N, are you alright?" I don't hear him at first, but after he repeats himself, I reply "Uh...y-yeah...Bri..." Brian jolts up at those words, thinking that I was about to pass out. "Y/N! What's the matter!?" He was about to put his Red Special down before manage to say "Brian, that was beautiful." I can see that he turns a light shade of pink, and I immediately apologise. "No no, it's okay. I can play you a bit more if you like?"

I suddenly light up, but then realise I probably seem to desperate. "S-sure, that would be cool...I guess," I mutter before I walk over and sit next to him. He starts to play this enchanting tune, and when he stops playing, I frown at the loss of music. "How was that?" He asks, snapping me out of my trance.
"Bri, that was absolutely amaz-" I was cut off by Freddie's remark of "Lovebirds, I think it's about time we get back to work!". I hear Brian sigh next to me, before he says "until next time, my love" which I play off with a giggle, but my heart aches inside of my chest. He puts a hand on my back and cups my shoulder, and I can feel every inch of his hand burn into my skin. I flinch at the touch of his warm hands against me, and he abruptly pulls away.

"Sorry..." he trails off. I tell him that it was okay, and that I needed to head to the ladies room. I enter the bathroom and see that I'm as red as a tomato. I splash cold water into my face, and take a deep breath before I step back out, and walk into the recording studio.

"I think we are done for practise today, darlings," I hear Freddie say through the glass partition. I walk back inside and collect my papers and handbag, getting ready to leave. "Does anybody want to come to the pub to get a drink with me?" Deaky asks. Before I can politely decline, Freddie and Roger have already agreed to go with him. "No thanks Deaks, I don't drink" replies Brian. "I would love to go, but I have a lot of paper work to catch up on. You guys have fun though!" I add onto Brian's statement, and the boys leave, one by one, until it's just me and Brian left in the studio. I say my goodbyes and I'm about to walk out of the door before I hear Brian ask "hey Y/N, can I talk to you for a second?" I step back into the studio and make my way towards him on one of the sofas. "Of course, what is it Bri?" I ask, sitting myself next to him so there are only a couple of inches between us.

"You've been acting quite strange today, Y/N. What's up?"
Although I appreciate what he's doing, me and Brian aren't at all close, so I don't know why he's suddenly interested in how I am.
"I'm perfect, Brian. Why would you think something is wrong?" I ask, trying to seem normal, yet I can feel my face burning up.

"Well, I've caught you staring at me a couple of times, you brought me coffee, you-"
"I brought everybody coffee..." I mutter, cutting him off.
"-you flinched when I touched you, and then you disappear to the bathroom for 15 minutes. I just want to make sure everything is alright." He says, placing his hand in mine and squeezing my small fingers gently.
"Yeah, I said I am fine. Its just a bit...warm today." Dammit Y/N, why did you say that? It's the middle of winter for gods sake!

I take my hand out of his and stand up, and Brian does the same. I make my way to the door, when I'm suddenly turned around, and I feel a pair of lips attached to mine. I try to pull away at first, but then I relax into his embrace. I rest my hands on just shoulders, while his hands slowly make his way down from my face, and eventually find my hips. He pulls away too quickly, and I instinctively step back in shock.
"Y/N, I love you"
The floor seems to be spinning, and I feel like I'm about to pass out. He has to grab onto my shoulders to help hold me up, as my knees turn to jelly.

I pull his face closer to mine, and I interlock my fingers with his. "I love you too," I whisper into his mouth. We both pull back and he says

"How do you fancy a drink?"
"Sorry, but I've got a lot of paperwork to catch up on", I answer ironically.
He playfully punches my arm. "But I definitely think of a more interesting thing we can have than drinks," I smirk as I say it, pulling his back so we both fall onto the sofa together.

A/N: Thanks for reading, guys! I think for my first oneshot, this went pretty well! I'm thinking about making a pt. 2 to this, what do you guys think?
- Soph xx

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