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A/N: Helllllo! I thought of an idea for this oneshot last night and jotted it down, but it took me a while to get to the main point of the story. So, I've decided to break it down into 2 parts. The main idea takes place in part 2, but this first part has the follow up to it. I hope you guys enjoy it! - Soph xx

Word count: 1239 words :)

"...yeah, I know it's late...nope...I'll be fine Y/F/N!...yes...okay, okay...see you!" I hang up the phone and walk back to my stool. Y/F/N insists of staying at home every night, so she has to call the pubs landline just to ask if I'm okay. I take a sip of my second drink and watch the band set up. It's nearly 9pm and I still have my work uniform on, considering that I didn't have any time to go home and get changed. The band begins to play a sweet rock song as I get up from my stool.

I feel ill; the floor seems to be swaying underneath my feet, and my stomach is doing acrobatics inside of me. I have to elbow some people out of the way to get to the ladies room, as the hall is crowded with people.

As I get to the middle of the floor, I look up. Although my vision is blurry, I can still make out the face of an angel. The face of the band's guitarist. He has long, curly dark hair that falls past his shoulders, pink lips, and eyes that resemble melted toffee. He smiles at me, and I smile back. Now, I feel like I'm going to throw up, but instead of walking towards the bathroom door, I feel myself falling backwards.

That's the last thing that I remember of that night.

I jolt up in bed. My head pounds, but I try and relax. The soft cotton of the duvet caress my legs. My pillow smells sweet like men's cologne.
This bed is comfy. But it's not mine.

I scream and my eyes widen in horror. As I look around, I notice simple furniture and men's clothes on one of the chairs.

Suddenly, somebody bursts through the door. Its the guitarist from last night. Am I dreaming? I think to myself, but it all seems so real. In the doorway stands the guitarist from yesterday, holding a frying pan like you would a baseball bat. His once long hair is tied up into a small bun at the back of his head. He wears boxers, a grey tank top, and pink bunny slippers.

If I was here under better circumstances, I would've laughed at his choice of footwear.

He relaxes, holding the frying pan by his side. Leaning on the door frame, he asks "Good morning Y/N, how did you sleep?" with a smile. "Firstly, how do you know my name?" I ask, my chest tense and my voice stern, "and secondly, wHERE THE F*CK AM I!?!?" I yell, staring at him intensely, breathing heavily.

"Okay, okay. I know your name because it was on your name tag" he says, and I breathe out a sigh of relief. "And you're at the band's shared apartment. We're Queen!" He adds with a toothy grin. I look down, expecting to see my name tag, but only then do I realise that I am completely naked.

"YOU UNDRESSED ME!?!" I cry out, pulling the sheets up to my shoulders. "I kind of had to, you threw up in the van and got it all down you..." he mutters. "Oh god, I'm really sorry" I squeak out, but he insists that he is okay.

"You can borrow some of my clothes if you would like?" He adds, smiling, and leaves to give me some privacy. I make my way over to the chair full of clothes and spot a dark green t-shirt. He's roughly a foot taller than me, so the shirt drops down to the top of my knees. I walk out of the door and down the corridor to a bathroom, where the guitarist is.

He's brushing his teeth. "Voo you theed voo uthe the thoilev?" He asks, spraying toothpaste all over me. I giggle and shake my head. Once he finishes up, he says "I forgot to mention, my name's Brian. It's wonderful to meet you" he sticks out his hand, which I happily shake. His hand feels nice in mine.

"What happened last night?" I ask, looking up to him. "Ah, well, you passed out during one of our shows!" He says, scratching the back if his head. "You weren't with anybody, so I took you home. I hope you don't mind..." he adds. I take a step closer to him and wrap my arms around his shoulders. His slender, warm fingers make his way down to my waist, where they rest. I stand on my tip-toes so I can fit my face into his neck.
"Thank you for looking after me" I practically whisper into his neck, looking up at him. His molten lava eyes burn into mine. "My pleasure" he replies, and smirks. I pull away and straighten up, "you wouldn't happen to have any women's clothes, would you?" I ask, letting out a nervous laugh. "Unfortunately, I don't. But we have pancakes!" He adds, grabbing my hand and running down the hall. Of course, I follow him.

He leads me to the kitchen, where I see 3 other people. One of them is sat at a table drinking coffee. He has long, blonde hair and looks my age. He's just a bit taller than me and has ocean blue eyes. The next is at the stove, flipping pancakes. He has long, brown hair and a soft smile. When I smile back, he blushes and turns away. The last is sat on the sofa, reading a newspaper. The moment I glance at him, he stands up and walks towards me. He has shoulder length black hair and beautiful olive skin. "Nice to meet you, darling, I'm Freddie" he says. I shake his hand and sit down at the table, a seat away from the blonde. "This is Roger," Brian says. I don't shake his hand, but I flash him a smile and tell him that it's good to meet him. Finally, Brian introduces me to the man at the stove, John. But John said that I can call him Deaky or Deaks. Deaky soon walks over to me with a stack of pancakes, and Brian sits down next to me. I thank Deaky and begin to put syrup on the stack.

"Y/N, how would you like to go out with me later?" Brian asks. "I would love that, Bri" I whisper, drizzling syrup on my pancakes.

I turn my head around and push my lips onto his, and relax into his mouth. We stay like that for a couple of seconds before I pull away.

"I would love to kiss you, Bri, but I have more important business to handle" I say, looking back at my pancakes.

A/N: ahh guys I hope you enjoyed it! The next part is better I promise, it shows yours and Brians date under the stars...whoops I've said too much ;)
The next part should be out by tomorrow. See y'all!
- Soph xx

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