Chapter 24

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 I and Jin were finishing cleaning the kitchen while everyone went to their rooms until everything went dark and again we hear Hobi scream really loud.

"SON OF A BITCH!" We hear, I look at Jin both of us thinking the same thing, Hobi jumped on a very danger sleeping Yoongi in fear of the thunder. In the dark we hear many feet running downstairs at the same time until one pair came towards us, with the light of the thunder I see an angry Yoongi with a Hobi in is fox form on his arms shivering in fear.

"Oh Hobi! It's okay your not alone sweety!" I say petting his fluffy ears and kissing his little head making him press his face on my cheek. "Take him to the living room, it has the light from outside we will be there shortly." I say to Yoongi making him nod and move the both of them towards the couch.

"What now?" Jin asks. "Let's search for the candles, I know they are somewhere here." I answer him, and we start looking for them the best we could on the dark until Jimin enters the kitchen with a lantern pointing at us. "Jiminie you're a gift to this world!" Jin says kissing Jimin fluffy cheek making the corgi hybrid blush and smile with his eyes closed. "Thank you Jiminie!" I say kissing his other cheek making him even redder, with the light Jin founds the candles quickly. "Found them!" "Let's light them up and put them on the living room before Hobi dies either from fear or by the hands of Yoongi." I say joking. "Please that panther would never hurt that cute fox. He has a grumpy face but a sugary heart." Jin says making us all laugh.

"What are you guys laughing?" Yoongi asks suspicion making us laugh harder. I look around and see that Jungkook, Joon e Tae are there too, I sit beside Jungkook being followed by Jimin while Jin sits by Joon, making me smile to the couple. "How's Hobi?" I ask Yoongi. "He fell asleep." He answers petting Hobi to keep him sleeping. "That's good!" I say, another thunder came and all the hybrid flinch from the sound. "What now?" Joon asks. "Well...we could all do a sleepover here." I say. "Yes!" The maknaes say at the same time smiling big but flinching again with the thunders.

The maknaes helps me put the blankets and pillows on the ground and the couches while Namjoon and Jin light more candles. "I think it looks good." I say next to the others looking at our work. "Guys ahahaha look!" Tae says pointing to the ground seeing Yoongi in his panther form sleeping next to the fox hybrid making us all die in cuteness. "How can someone so grumpy be so cute." Jin says making us nod in agreement. "His protecting him." Jungkook says making us die, again. "Let's go to sleep too." Joon says yawning. Namjoon and Jin sleep together, cuddling on the ground while Jungkook and Jimin went to one of the couches, I look to the other and see Tae with big smile with his arms open for me making me laugh and lay next to him, ready to sleep.

I wake up the next day still in Tae arms, looking outside the window I can see is still raining, I get up trying not to wake him up and put a pillow where I was for him to cuddle, walking to the kitchen seeing Jin cooking breakfast and scolding Joon for trying to help him but only making him more work. "Joon I think you should give up. Nobody wins against worldwide handsome." I say laughing kissing both on the lips. "I guess your right." Joon says and go sit on the tablet looking outside the window to the rain. "Damn right she's right." Jin says winking at me making me smile and actually help him.

"Why is it still raining?" A sulk Yoongi came hugging me from behind complaining like always. "It's supposed to be a storm love." I say kissing his forehead making his tail come alive and wiggle hitting Jin in the process. "Put that tail away panther if you want food!" Jin says making the sulking panther still complaining sit beside Joon and sleeping on his shoulder. "Good morning!" Hobi comes happily kissing everyone one. "How are you feeling Hobi?" I ask him petting his head. "Better! But still scared....Would it have more thunder today?" He asks. "Don't worry I think today is just heavy rain." Joon says smiling to Hobi who sat next to Yoongi smiling to the sleeping hybrid. "Morning." A very tired Tae enters the kitchen being followed by the two remain hybrids, a bunny rubbing his eyes and a cute corgi waving cutely at us. "Good morning guys!" We all said and start eating the breakfast.

The morning passed normal at least Hobi is more relax after yesterday, I'm relaxing on the couch with Yoongi while everyone is doing their own things. "It's still very dark." I say looking outside. "It gives a weird feeling." Yoongi says. "Hm? A weird feeling." I ask. "Now that you say that I have feeling something too." Joon says hearing and everyone paused thinking about it until everyones thoughts are interrupted by the doorbell. "Who would be outside at this time with the heavy rain?" Jin asks confused.

I get up to open the door with Yoongi and Joon behind me looking suspicious at it, with my hand on the handle I look at both hybrids waiting for they approvel, and I open the door with their permission and behind the door is something I wasn't ready for.


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