The powers unleasehed

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In the last couple of seconds, I turned to look at my home when I see my gran being taken down by magic. We all pick up the speed so the witches down get us, my heart was pounding like a drum I could hardly breath. I can't believe I'm all that's left off my families line I just watched my grandma die, this is all my fault why couldn't I control it why why. I don't think my legs can carry me for much longer "guys we have to get somewhere safe any ideas" I scream Marcus replies with "earth right no witch will go there" "you have a point earth it is then" I shout back melody chimes in with "my parents house is not far from here they will let us stay the night" I scream back "it's settled then ". Me and my friends ran for so long I don't think we stopped running the wind from the hollow felt dangerous the trees and the vines were all against us they were sent to stop us. We got close to the borders of the wetlands but at that moment we knew it was over the black clouds came back and then they appeared from the shadows the woman I have killed before someone she looked just like her then as she approached she said " your the dragon guy the one who killed my daughter well I must say congratulations I want to say no one has ever managed to defeat her ever and now I want to get the legendary Draco corde for myself" all of a sudden I feel the rage burn within me and the earth started to shake the floor opens up and the heat from the lava burns into my nose. the lava continues to rise the look on the witches faces is pure fear, the lava starts to spit and hiss then a lion forms from the lava and burns the dark witches all you can smell is burning flesh I close the floor back up.

We finally get to cross the border into the wetlands. its a relief really know ones about the prophecy of the Draco corde, everyone looks a bit anxious after what I just did I mean Its not like I exactly meant to I can't control it I haven't managed to train the magic "hey Leo we're not scared of you ya know we just can't get our heads around the new life we have, you are best friend we are here because we don't want anyone to hurt you we all love you that's why melody is letting us stay in oceans cliffs home to the sirens" said Marcus with a grin on his face "thanks guys I really mean it I'm so sorry I happen to be in this dump prophecy I don't think I would be here free if you didn't help "I started to tear up Rhydian comes up to me and hugs me and says" dude your the best don't blame yourself for the dame witches being power made"

I make us a portal to oceans cliff so that we're not in full view for the witches to sneak upon us. Its been along journey so we arrive at the shell's manor house on arrival melody turns to us and says " just to let you know my parents have a bad history with outsiders" we turn up at the door and her mother answers the door when she lays eyes on us she says " melody this must be important brings outsiders quickly get in tell your father before he kills them" melody quickly runs in and turns to say "wait here I must talk to him" she runs into a room and closes the door behind her I turn to her mother and she says " my name is Claire shell why are you here I just need to know" I reply with well I'm something the witches call draco corde, the witches are hunting us because I have enough power to create and destroy worlds so were on the run we plan to go to elven guard and enter the tree of life to go to earth where the witches won't think to go" she looks and me with a scared look and says " gain your strength and leave just before dawn break head through the river of souls straight through the forbidden woods and it will lead the outskirts of Elvenguard" I nodded to reassure her.

Suddenly I wake up to melody shaking me saying with panic in her voice " quickly get up we have to leave witches have entered the city lets go now" we all quickly grab are shit and run out through a secret door in the basement. The cries of the people here were so loud it turns out the witches will stop at nothing to get me, the streets are like a maze we keep running and running but can't seem to find an exit. We all quickly fled out of ocean's cliff all we could hear was the cries of people as we flee the city we make it out just about. we carry on running until we all collapse by the hope lake. I lay there gasping for air, my lungs feel heavy and I feel weak I don't even know if I'm gonna make out of this realm alive. we lay they for hours regaining are strength to make it to the river of souls "I'm starving I haven't ate in ages" Rhydian cries "well we can't do anything about it stop whining" Melody snaps. Marcus is getting restless so I know he needs to feed "Marcus here come feed" he replies with "are you sure I don't want to hurt you" I giggle and wave for him to come over. I feel his fangs pierce my skin, this is the most intimate thing I have ever done, for some reason this feels like heaven I can see things clearer than I ever have before suddenly I start to feel a bit faint "hey Marcus that's enough now" he doesn't seem to stop until Melody and Rhydian have to force him off my neck, he finally comes to and starts to cry "I'm so sorry Leo I just lost control" I grab him and bring him in for a hug "hey it; s okay we all lose control it's not your fault I promise I just taste great" he wipes his eyes and get up off the floor.

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