Chapter 1

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* Contains spanking of a minor *

Coming home.

Draco's smile fell slightly when the hogwarts express stopped at king's cross station. He wasn't sure if he was looking forward to seeing his father. The man had promised to come and pick him up though.

He stood up and adjusted his tie before following the fellow slytherin students out of the train. He took a quick look around the crowd but he expected his father to be waiting farther back.

Draco shove more than a fair share of people out of his way that were blocking his path before he finally found Lucius. Draco made sure he was calm and presentable as he approached the taller man.

Literally all parents instantly hugged their child but Lucius looked cranky and impatient as his son approached, he didn't bother hugging the boy. Not in front of all these half-bloods & mud-bloods. Even though it was the start of summer, in London it always seemed to be raining, and it didn't help Lucius his mood at all.

"Hello, Father. Has mother decided to stay home? " Draco asked. He had been looking forward to see his kind loving mother.

" Your mother is still sick, Draco. " Lucius snarled. He hadn't opened up to Draco what she was suffering from but it wasn't any good. Lucius took Draco by his shower as he pushed him forward.

Draco his mood immediately dropped hearing the news of his sick mother. He had hoped she had improved while he was away, but now he was fearing she ever would. It had been so long ...

Luckily the way to the Malfoy manor wasn't too long but Draco made sure to keep his head down on the way there. He only looked up when he heard his father slam the door shut behind them.

"Show me your grades, I want to take a look. " Lucius ordered, speaking in a tone Draco knew not to talk back to.

His plan of sneaking off to his room had failed before he had even started it, but Lucius his tone instantly sent shivers down his spine.

" Yes sir. " Draco answered but Lucius corrected him.

"Yes Father, Draco. " The older man spoke strictly. He preferred being called father. It gave him a certain kind of power over the boy. After all, he wasn't Draco's teacher, or an acquaintance. With a sly smirk he watched Draco leave to his room.

Draco kept himself from sighing before walking over to his trunk that had already been send to his bedroom. He only prayed that the elves had lost it, but ofcourse they hadn't. He grabbed his papers before making his way to Lucius's office. He handed over the grades with his shoulders tense and his heart racing.

Lucius practically snatched it out of Draco's hands. He ordered his son to sit while looking over the grades. Quickly a frown appeared on Lucius his face. Severus Snape had assured Lucius that Draco was doing well in school but Lucius wasn't pleased to see a pathetic 5 for care of magical creatures.

"What is this? " Lucius nearly shouted in Draco his face, but before giving the child time to answer he continued.

" Even if these lessons are useless, that doesn't mean you can show lack of skill. " Lucius shouted. He walked over to the blonde boy and grabbed Draco his chin, forcing him to look up.

" Listen to me, son. You aren't raised to put shame to our family name. You are raised to be a follower of the dark lord. You will not be a disappointment ! "Lucius hissed furious.

Draco paled at the rage of his father and the mention of the dark lord. He heard his father muttering something that he wasn't finished with Hagrid. Sure he had hated the half giant with his stupid hippogriff, but Hagrid had been one of the few that actually had been friendly to him? He had even tried to warn Draco..

" Stand in the corner while I get that oat fired. " Lucius ordered while he pointed at the farthest corner, and Draco did. He knew his father wouldn't let this pass. Draco looked over his shoulder at his father.

" Dad.. isn't their another way.. " he quietly tried but Lucius dangerously narrowed his eyes and stood up. He couldn't believe his son had just talked back to him ! Draco his eyes widened at his father standing up but Lucius just walked over to force draco to look back at the wall.

Honestly Lucius had wanted to pull Draco right over his lap for talking back, but even Lucius knew that Draco wouldn't be able to handle it at this point. Lucius was harsh, but not stupid.

"Draco, you will wait here while I finish my business, you will think of what punishment you deserve for talking back to your father. " Lucius said strictly. Maybe that would learn his. He gave a quick swat on Draco his behind before returning to his desk.

Draco stayed in the corner for nearly an hour. His father often had to warn him to stand still but overall he kept quiet. Standing in the corner like that was definitely humiliating but at least he had some time to calm down and think. Draco didn't believe Dumbledore would allow Hagrid to be fired. He looked up when he heard his father speak.

" Draco, what punishment do you deserve? " Lucius asked.

Draco turned around to face his father. " Grounding, si.. – Father? " Draco tried, depending on his father's mood it would work, or not.

Lucius laughed sarcastically. That was possibly the stupidest thing he had heard.

"Grounding Draco? Maybe I need to ground you from that stupid school for an entire year. Homeschool you myself for all that's worth it. " Lucius warned.

As if he would let his son get away with it that easily. Lucius deemed Draco calm enough to handle a spanking. In a quick movement he took Draco by his wrist and in less than a second he had the boy over his knee.

" Draco. You disrespected me by talking back.. I think you need to learn what respect is. " His father explained before baring Draco.

Draco tried to stay quiet during his punishment but small cries escaped his lips anyway. The spanks hurt, but gladly it didn't last too long.

"Straight to bed. " Lucius ordered before helping hisson to his feet.

Draco pulled up his pants as quickly as possible before quietly looking at his father. Lucius had never been the nurturing type, even after punishments, but he could always go to his mom and she'd take care to wipe his tears away. But she was ill ..

Draco then looked away and rushed out of his father's office, to his own room. Before he could even enter the tears were already flowing freely. Draco closed the door behind him and slid down against the door until his sore bum hit the carpet. He buried his head in his knees and just cried.

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