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A cold hard reminder, that's what hit her in the face. 

The next morning she found herself, alone curled in the arm of a couch staring at her phone. 2:15 in the morning she received a text from John.

Hang in there (y/n), Sherlock has an Idea on how to find you. I do hope you are safe. as save as you can be. Sherlock really thinks he may have had a breakthrough

This was a bucket of ice water thrown in her face. She knew now Jim was in fact taking advantage of her, he must have been. Because she didn't forget, there was no way he was capable of compassion. No way in hell. 

She wondered if she could tip John off further, now again feeling desperate to leave. She opened her SMS and scrolled though the emojis, and in the text, the line put every pink emoji she could hope john would get her reference to the case he wrote about, the study in pink. And she knew how they used a track phone site to find the killer cabbie. 


she got a reply of slight confusion and then, realization. He had got it!

(Y/n) fought the urge to smile, now knowing she was being watched even though she was alone. 

It was now only a matter of waiting. painful, painful waiting.  That is all she could do.


In the passing hours, she still found herself alone.  she would jump with excitement every time she hears a police siren in the distance, then falling to disappointment as it faded out again.   

She heard the front door open, lucky her Jim was back. 

"Honey, I'm home," He imitated the stereotypical sitcom phrase. 

(Y/n) winced. 

She had to come to terms with the fact that to Jim, she was nothing. He knew she was vulnerable and he knew he could bend her to his whim. 

After her silence, he spoke again, " the common reply would be, welcome back, ya know?:

"Is it? I don't watch that much TV anymore," She commented blandly. 

"Oh well, we have a TV, you can if you want to."

"No, not really interested thanks," Bitterness crept into her tone. 

"Hey," he said walking over and leaning over the back of the sofa so his head was right next to hers, "Did something happen today?"

"Nope. everything has been," she sighed, "Dull."

Jim hummed in response. 

"I have a small surprise for you," He said digging out his wallet and started looking for something.


She knew he was still trying to win her favor, and she was scared if she acted like he was she would actually believe it. 

He handed her a small piece of paper with a phone number lazily scribbled in blue ink. 

"I recommend you call that number."


Jim stopped her, "I went through a little trouble to get that number, just call it."

She pulled up the keypad on her phone and dialed the number.





"Hello?" A familiar voice answered.

"oh my god," (Y/n) sobbed, nearly whispering.

"Hello, is anyone there?"

"Momma? Is that you?"

There was a pause, "Oh my, (Y-Y/n)?!?! Is that really you?"

"Yes momma," she cried it's me.

"Oh, (Y/n), oh how did you get this number."

"I- uh, Someone found it for me."

"Oh, (Y/n)," her mother cried, "I miss you so much. Oh, I wish you could be here."

"I know, Momma. I wish I could be there too, but I'm okay."

"I'm so happy to hear that you've been staying safe," There was a small pause, "You know dear in a few years time I think it would be okay for you to come home."

"I really hope so, I'll be looking forward to it." 

She could hear her mother crying on the other line.

"I'm afraid momma, that This is as long as I can call for now..."

"I know baby, I know. Just- I love you so much."

"I love you too momma."

They were silent on both ends.

"I don't want to hang up," (Y/n) whispered. 

"I know, but if you ever can, call me again. I've missed your voice honey." 

"I will momma, I love you."

"Love you too."


The called ended.

(Y/n) curled her knees to her chest, and bit her fist to quiet her sobs. 

"I- uh," she quietly admitted, "Was never supposed to have that number. All my family changed their numbers so I couldn't call. I uh, don't know what to- I mean, Thank You."


He was making this so much more difficult than it should have been, and she really knew he played his parts well. 

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