"The Intro"

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*Alarm goes off *
He mumbles "Oh my gosh"
He rolls over and turns off the alarm and lays back down
"Roc!!" His Mom yelled
He ignores and continues to sleep
She comes to the door and bangs
"Ughh I'm up!" He yells
He sits up on the edge of the bed thinking about life, then gets dressed
*heads to the kitchen*
"Somebody was out late last night, u didn't hear me calling me the first time to wake u up?"
"Nah i didn't hear you and I was out working, Doc had me closing up the store last night"
"Well u don't need to be out that late it's dangerous-"
"I know ma but I'm doing it for us, *looks around* Ima get us outta here"
*kisses his mom on the cheek*
"Bye ma I'll see u later"
*Roc walks out the house*
"You're late"
"Ik but better late than never" Roc said and laughed
Dre: "Whatever we gotta pick up Khalil and then I'll drop u off at work"
Roc: "Ightt u know Khalil my dawg, it's all cool. I'll just text Malik and tell him to stall for me til I get there"

*Pulls up to Khalil's apartment building*
*loud shouting and yelling*

Dre: "Dang Again!! I swear him and Leah always arguing"
Roc: "At this point, they need a reality show"
*Khalil walks over looking mad and gets in the car*
Dre: "What happened this time Bro"
Khalil: "Mann Leah Tripping, she accused me of texting a girl man, tryna go through my phone"
Roc: "Well were u?"
*Roc and Dre leaned in for the answer*
Khalil: "Well yea but-"
"Awww mann!!"
Dre:" We was rooting for u fam"
Khalil: "I mean we wasn't talking about nothing, she was an old friend, my old Patna"
Roc: "mmmhmm"
Khalil: Y'all worried about me mann wassup with u and- what's her name Dre?
"Brooke!!!" *They said in unison*
*Roc smacks his teeth*
Roc: Mann y'all know ain't nothing going on between us , we just friends!
Dre: "Dude, you've had a crush on her since middle school. You might as well gone and cuff that"
Khalil: "She got a boyfriend?"
Roc: " Nahh, she said she focused on school. Y'all know we just graduated and her parents super strict, so her mind focused on them college books"
Dre: "Mann We graduated 2 years ago! U making up excuses now , just tell her how u feel"
Khalil: "And u know she lives in my building, I could put u on, she right down the hall!"

Mann they always throwing that in my face! But what can I say man Brooke was bad!! Still is!

*They pull up to Roc's job"
Roc: "mann whatever, let me out. I'll catch up with y'all later, we meeting at Khalil house right?
*They nod*
Roc: "Ight Bett!"
*Roc tries to quietly sneak into the store*
Doc: "You're late"
Roc sighs 🤦🏽‍♂️
Malik: " Aye Roc"
Roc: "Ya"
Malik: " Doc said u can leave early since u closed up last night"
Roc:" Oh Bett, i can Leave now?"
Malik: "Yea. Sorry about earlier I tried to stall, but he kept asking questions everytime I tried to change the subject"
Roc: " it's ight man, he ain't gone fire me anyway"
Malik- *chuckles* "y u say that?"
Roc- "he's my uncle"
*they both laugh*
*They pull up in front of Khalil's house*
Roc: "Say man, thanks for picking me back up fam"
Dre: "Yea Well ya know I got all the time in the world" *he laughs*

It's actually an inside joke lol Dre is currently unemployed. He refuses to get a job he's caught up in his dreams of pursuing music and insists that he'll make it out. So he just sits at home all day working on his "music".

Roc: "Well yea " *he chuckles*
Dre: "Nah but fr tho"...
* He looks and points toward the building*
"When u gone tell her?"
Roc: "I don't know man, I'm just scared what if she don't feel the same?"
Dre: "we'll never know if u don't try"
For once Dre actually gave some good advice and takes me serious for once
"If not I'll hit that"
And there he goes 🙄
Roc: "Mann really?"
Dre: "What?? Shawty Bad!"
Roc: "Whatever bruh, what time is it?"
Dre: "its 8:15, we supposed to meet up at 9 but I thought we come over early and kick with K"
Roc: "Well yea"
Dre: " But he's running late, he said he had to handle some business. But u got time."
* pointing towards the building*
Roc: "You ain't gone ever let this go, are u?"
Dre: "nahh"
Roc: "Ight hold up, I'll go. Let me know when he get here and I'll meet y'all at his place"
*Knocks* *Hears loud music*
*knocks louder* * loud music is paused*
Brooke: "Who is it?"
Roc: "Roc"
*she chuckles*
Brooke: "hold up"
*she opens the door*
Brooke: " hey what's up"
Roc: "Nothing for real, wanted to talk to u. Can I come in?"
Brooke: " oh right!"
* They laugh*
"You can sit on the couch. U drink?"
Roc: "Yea, this a nice place u got"
Brooke: *smiles* "thanks, my parents hooked me up with this, since the schools down the streets and they want me away from the parties and somewhere I can truly focus on my studies"
Roc: *mumbles* "that's tuff"
Brooke: "huh?"
Roc: "I said that's good"
* she sits next to him on the couch and hands him a glass*
Brooke: "I guess, not as fun or entertaining. But enough about me, what did u want to talk about?"
Roc: "uhmm. *changes subject* U wanna watch a movie? I heard Netflix got a dope show out called "What If-"
*She laughs*
Brooke: "Roc?"
Roc: " Huh?"
Brooke: " Talk to me, what's up?"
Roc: "Okay uhmm,  well remember in the 7th grade when that kid Vic knocked my books out my hand?"
Brooke: " ohh yeaa? Khalil's Friend right?"
Roc: " well yea. That's beside the point tho. *laughs*, remember u taunted him for doing that and helped me pick them up and eyes met"
Brooke: "well yea, but what does that have do with now-"
Roc: "I'm in love with u! I mean I've had love for u since then! And I've had a crush on u since middle school and after all this time I finally found the guts to tell u"
Brooke: * looks shocked* "Well idk what to say!"
Roc: " I knew this was a bad idea"
Brooke: " I'm actually glad u said something first"
Roc: "huh?"
Brooke:" I've felt the Same for a long time too, but u started dating, what's her name?"
Roc: " Asia!"
Brooke: "Yea!"
Roc: "yea. F her tho. I want u. I'm crazy about u"
Brooke: "same here bud"
*Roc smacks his lips*
Brooke: " okay, okay. In all seriousness. I've been thinking about u a lot lately actually and I've actually stalked your IG a couple times"
Roc: " I know, I'm too fine to resist!"
*They both laugh*
Brooke: "Whatever but out of all the times you've been over at my old place, u didn't say anything?"
Roc: "I was too scared I'd get rejected"
Brooke: "mmmmmm"
Roc: "yea, So where do we go from here?"
Brooke: *she smiles* "Idk u tell me?"
Roc: "Well Brooke Evans will u do me the honors of becoming my girlfriend?"
Brooke: " I'd be honored!, but let's promise me something?"
Roc: "anything!"
Brooke: " promise me that we'll take things slow, we won't rush our relationship"
Roc: " of course, we can take as slow as u want baby"
*Brooke smiles*
*roc leans in for a kiss*
*Brooke blocks his lips with her finger*
Roc: "Too Soon?" *He laughs*
Brooke: "too soon!"
Roc: " Mmmhmm, aye uhmm what time is it? My phone died*
Brooke: "it's 8:55. Why What's up?"
Roc: "I gotta go meet up with Dre and Khalil, we're supposed to meet at 9"
Brooke:" ohh, U still hang with them knuckleheads?"
Roc: " Yep. Those my brothers" *he smiles*
Brooke: "so u gotta leave?"
Roc: "unfortunately yea"
Brooke: " Well u got my number, and now u know where I live so stop by whenever"
Roc: "ohh u already know!" *he smiles while Raising his eyebrows up and down"
Brooke: "boy byee"
*They hug and he leaves*

*He knocks on Khalil's door*
Khalil: "Aye we been looking for u, where u been?"
Roc: "Mann u never believe what just happened!" *He smiles*
Author: Something Slight. More Drama to come but for rn I wanna give each Main character a proper introduction lol so y'all can get to know em. But I guaranteed this gone be a good book, I got everything written down  so updates coming soon! Also I'll add GIFs when I figure out how to add them 😂👌🏽🙏🏽

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 07, 2019 ⏰

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