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Patton and I were sitting at the table of the cabin we found, thinking. So far we had survived in the forest, but we were low on food.

Dangerously low.

"The best plan would be to go into the city, no matter how much I dislike the idea. There's more supplies there. If we were to go, we should be there by dawn. We will have to whole day to scavenge and get back here. I don't want to get caught in the dark while in the city.." I explained, Patton nodding blankly.

This epidemic took a lot out of him.. He hardened up a lot. Hes not so much of a giddy child anymore. Though, at points, he was his old self. Beaming with a ridiculous grin, bouncing around happily and cracking jokes.

But that was getting rare.

"I think we should go. The forests are getting harder to live in. We need supplies, like you said Logie." Patton said, monotone. It hurt somewhere deep inside, hearing him. Before I knew what I was doing, I had pulled him into a tight hug.

"Hey.. I know I'm not the best at comforting people.." I started. "But it'll be ok. Keep your chin held high.. We will get through this."

Patton hugged back, and I smiled. We parted.


Soon we had prepared to leave. I carried the remaining supplies and my bat while Patton had his knife.

Walking into town, Patton and I ventured through a small alleyway. There was two large dumpsters, left a foot or so away from eahchother. Trash and their empty and torn bags were strewn all over the small section of pavement between the two buildings.

It wasn't pretty.

"I suppose some raided the trash bins for supplies Patton." I said, trying to find a plausible reason for the sea of trash, spilling over the sidewalk into the street. The two of us continued.

We ended up on what looked like a main street. The building running along it were mostly stores, with a few taller complexes. At the end of the street, there was one of many tall skyscrapers.

A large chunk of a building had collapsed onto the street, blocking most of the road. It was basically dead silent. The only sounds being our footsteps, breathing, and faint heartbeats.

Suddenly, a pane of glass fell from the skycraper. I looked up to where it originated. A figure was standing there, looking shocked, or that's what I thought. They were a ways up. It lead me to believe they did not  mean to make the glass fall on purpose.

The pane soon shattered on the ground, instantly alerting any nearby undead and sending them running. I pulled Patton into the building where I saw the figure. If they were able to get up there, so should we.

I ran to a stairwell, Patton following close behind, just to find it was collapsed. I heard the horde swiftly approaching behind us.

"Logan! Footprints!" Patton yelled.

I looked towards the rubble yet again. There were multiple pairs of foot and hand prints in the settled dust.

The figure was likely not alone.

I sent Patton scrambling up first, then climbed up myself.

The swarm shortly came crashing and scratching onto the rubble. They were climbing, but not as fast as us.

The prints stopped on the tenth floor, so we did as well.

"Let's just find a room to hide in while we wait for the zombies to give up." Patron weakly said, breathing hard.

I nodded.

Patton was never much of a runner, never in all the time I had known him he was one, and we've known each other since we were four. We're both seventeen now.

Patton and I ran through the halls again, flung open a random door, and rushed inside.

Once inside, Patton put his hands on his knees, panting. I leaned against the wall to catch my breath.

I caught him look at me so I looked back.

We both started laughing, amazed at the situation. Patton took a look at the rest of the room and gasped, backing up towards the door.

I followed his gaze.

There was the figure, and two others.

I just hope they're friendly.

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