The Surveillance Room.

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A Few Hours Later

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A Few Hours Later.
The Surveillance Room.

"And what do we do after that?" I asked John as we pulled up to our final stop.

"I don't know wing it I guess." He shrugged.

Sure why not.

Let's wing trying to kill someone. That can't go wrong now can it?

Note the sarcasm.

"Check in the glove box, our outfits are in there." John said as he stopped the car.

John pulled the car up in a bush area off a dirt road. Through the trees and shrubs I could only just see a building a few miles away?

I lent forward and tried to get a better look. It had three levels and looked fairly new... Except of course it was in the middle of fucking no where! We'd been driving for half an hour through dirt roads and beside hundreds of fields full of random animals.

I opened the glove box finding black/dark green camouflage full body outfits with a 'security' badge sewn on, another badge with a bar code on it and a watch all shoved in there.


"The shoes, socks and head gear are in the back." John soon spoke.

The plan was that one of the security guards roaming the place, that John knew was on guard, was going to let us in and then we were going to have to basically wing it from there.

John knew the building as he'd worked there previously before he was appointed to follow me around all day everyday, for seven months.

He knew the ins and out of it as he worked there. I was hoping it would be an easy thing, but I knew it wasn't going to be.

I gave John his outfit, to which he got out of the car and changed into as I changed in the back of the van. The windows were so tinted you can't see in it at all, so I carefully got changed.

It was a struggle to say the least. I can't stretch too far otherwise I'm going to rip open the stitches I have and they really freaking hurt just moving around so I could only imagine how much it'd hurt to rip them open.

I was given long pants, a white undershirt and black/dark green vest that matched the pants. And to top it off I had to put on and tie up a pair of large heavy combat boots.

I'm also going to have to try and walk/run and look normal while my back is killing me. But honestly, it's going to be worth it.

John threw his clothes into the car and grabbed out a bag from the trunk of the car as I climbed out meeting him at the back of the car.

John passed me some weird looking helmet contraption, socks, boots and a watch.

He also passed me a rather large gun that had a strap on it. He held the same gun the same way. We pinned each other's badges onto our uniforms. I tied my hair up, and he passed me a small knife. He grabbed on as well, the two of us tucking these into our socks in our shoes.

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