Harry's change

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E: "Welcome everyone to the first chapter of my new book! Now before we start I want to say you won't find out anything about what creature Harry is or anything like that until the next chapter. this one is just for his home life and his transformation. I'm just putting this so no one get's confused. Enjoy!"

Harry's POV

I wake up in my bedroom. It's 3 am but I always get up at that time. Why? Because I have to make sure the garden is looking perfect. Both the one in the backyard and the front yard. It's better to do it before the sun comes up because then It's not as hot. I also have to wash away any dirt, mud, or water I bring into the house, get the mail and sort it, make sure they have their clothes lined out on their chairs, and make breakfast all before they wake up. I have to do every single one of these chores or not only will I not get food for a month but I'll also be hurt as well. I can't take another beating the one uncle Vermin gave me yesterday is still hurting

I get up and change into Dudley's old clothes that are way too big for me and silently make my way outside. I start to pull out the weeds in the garden since you shouldn't water the weeds. After that I water the plants and get rid of any dying flowers. I then make my way into the front and start the process over again.

When I finished it was 5:10. which is good since that means I still have time make sure I didn't leave any mud in the house. I go inside and wash all the mud I brought into the house until the places don't have spot of mud in them. I then get the mail and sort them into piles, one for Uncle Vermin, one for Petunia, and one for Dudley.

I then head upstairs and go into Dudley's room. I go into his closet and pick out his outfit and put it on his desk. I then leave the room and go into Uncle Vermin and Aunt Petunia's room. It's the master bedroom so it's the nicest room in the house and that also means their closet is huge. I go into the closet and pick out uncle Vermin's favorite work outfit and lay it on a chair. I go back in and pick out a nice dress for Aunt Petunia and go back in and get matching bra and underwear since she's very picky about them matching for some weird reason and put them on top of the dress then leave.

I look at the clock and it says 6:20. Crap I have 10 minutes to make breakfast! I quickly go downstairs and make eggs and bacon for them and put the plates on the table. Right in the nick of time too. I can hear their alarms going off. which means they're all up now.

I hear Dudley run down stairs and come into the kitchen. "What's for breakfast today freak?" He asks. "Eggs and bacon." I tell him. He looks at me mad and then throws his plate of eggs at me. The plate shatters and cuts my cheek making it bleed. I hear Uncle Vermin and Aunt Petunia run downstairs since they heard the shattering plate.

"What's all the noise about?" He asks. "I told the freak to make waffles for breakfast and instead he made eggs." Dudley complains. "How dare you not listen to Dudley you ungrateful brat! Clean up the mess you made and then make waffles for my boy!" Uncle Vermin yells at me. I nod and begin to clean up the broken glass of the plates and the pieces of eggs and bacon on the ground. I make Dudley his waffles and give it to him then make my way upstairs.

The worst part of this is Dudley lied. he never told me he wanted waffles for breakfast. He never said anything but not like it would've mattered. I would've gotten in more trouble if I said their angel son was lying. I've already bought myself at least a week without food and a beating but if I'd said Dudley was lying I would've gotten 2 more weeks added and an even bigger beating.


It's nearly midnight and I'm still away. the beating uncle Vermin gave me still hurts a lot and I got a lot of blood on the carpet which made him even madder. it's his fault for using his belt to whip me and opening all the wounds I have on my back. tomorrow is my birthday but it doesn't matter to them. to them it's just another day but also the day they were forced to have me in their life.

I use my wand and make a small light so I can see the clock. I see it's only 10 seconds before it's midnight so I start to count down. "10. 9. 8. 7. 6. 5. 4. 3. 2. 1." I see it's midnight and smile. "happy birthday to myself." I say. I'm now 16! not that it matters to anyone. Hermione might care when I get to see her next but Ron might not. He doesn't to seem to care like he used to but it could just be my imagination. Ron was my first ever friend and is one of my best friends. so there was no way he wouldn't care about me......right?

It's then I feel more pain then I've ever felt before. I feel like someone is ripping my body into two and at the same time burning my back. each second it gets worse and even more pain full until finally it stops. I'm surprised I didn't scream but that's probably since I learned not to from all the beatings I get. I look at the clock and it an hour as gone by. wait a minute it's pitch black since I dropped my wand and the light disappears. How can I see the clock?

I looks around and I can't see anything. I look at where Hedgewig's cage is and focus on it. It's then I can clearly see her cage. but when I didn't focus on just that but the whole room I couldn't see a thing. interesting. I guess I can only see in the dark when I focus on one thing.  I don't want to get up and walk around since my wand fell on the ground and I might step on it and break it. So I bend down and try to see if I could feel it. Then out of the corner of my eye I can see it clear as day. I grab it and sit up. I guess all I need to do is focus on a certain thing and I'll just be able to see if even if I don't know where it is.

I stand up and immediately notice I'm taller than normal. So I'm taller and I can see in the dark If I focus on an item. What else is going to happen to me. I go over to wall by the door and turn on the lights. I turn and walk past a mirror when I saw something weird. I go over and stand by the mirror and gasp. I don't look like myself.

I still have pale skin but I have a long black hair that reached down to my butt. Two different colored eyes. My left eye is still green but my other eye is grey. if that isn't bad enough I also have wings. Angel wings from the looks of it but what's weird is my left wing is black and my right wing is white.

I don't believe this! I can somewhat see in the dark! I am not only taller but my appearance has changed a lot without warning and now I have two different colored angel wings! What is going on?! Why is this happening to me?! I'm freaking out right now.

I then hear tapping on my window. I look to see a grey and white owl outside my window with a letter attached to its leg. I go over and open the window and let the owl inside. I pet the owl and take the letter and read it.

Dear mister Potter, I'm happy to inform you that you have just gotten your creature inheritance. please come to Gringotts to learn more about it and what you get from it. Inside the envelope is a portkey to activate it say birthday also inside the letter is a magic sack. please put all of your belonging inside the sack so you can bring it with you. I'll look forward to seeing you, - Griphook.

I look in the envelope and see a small charm and a small bag. I put all my Hogwarts stuff and Hedgewig's cage In there and surprisingly it all easily fits! I then grab the charm and say "birthday." I'm then teleported to Gringots.

E: "And that's where I'm ending it! What do you think? I hope you liked it! like I said before the next chapter is when he learns who his real parents are and what his powers are and more importantly what he is. Please leave a comment I'd love to hear what you think! I hope you enjoyed!

MADE ON 8/5/19

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