author notes!!

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Summary: Your name is y/n you grow up in rouge pack, when your mate found you and about you being in rouge pack will he reject you.. in background you got stalker watch you in the shadow.. what happened when he lies about your family and kidnapped you.. will anymore come for you... or they forgot about you...

Hello this where the rewritten version starts, I want thank all people they read this.. I don't think this book was good.. so I'm rewritten it for you guys.

    Thank for 11.6kk on the ornigal version LIKE HOLY SH.. I didnt think my book get they much views.. you guys motivated me to rewrite this.. and make it even better.. thanks so much guys.. I love you all..
  -- -OMG I ALLMOST FORGOT THIS IS supposed to be a book-- two..  I feel like yes I'm gonna make it.. but I think I should rewrite this one first.. beacuse i may chnages plots and some chacter.. idk yet.

I'm gonna try put so much details and emotional for the characters.. and longer chapters.. I feel like chapter in book where to short..   

Hope you like this version better❤❤❤

Peace out✌

Werewolf x reader  version 2#Where stories live. Discover now