Why my life like this!?!

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Heya everone, welcome to the rewritten version.. I'm not  talk much about it beacuse I rant in other authors note about it. Here the key hope you like this!!!
Your name= (Y/n)
Last name= (L/n)
Hair color= (H/c)
Eye color= (E/c)
Wolf name= (Y/w)
   Your pov                        *Edited*

"Ugh, why don't you ever listen to me Y/n," Sam yelled at me. You growl at sam. "Well, you're the problem." You snap back. "So suddenly I'm the problem, What the hell"

"You know why, because you with the local hoes, when you know your gonna get a mate." You said to try to keep yourself and your wolf calm. "Why do you even freaking care." He growls at you.

"Because your like brother to me, even of we rouge pack- I stand by your side and fight with you." You said in a duh tone. "God, why do aphla have bad mood swings," Y/w says. "I don't know but I hate it.." you respond.

You walk back upstairs to the room you have been in seen a kid. The wall was white and you had a dresser with a mirror. And your bed was queen size. You hear a notification coming from the phone, quickly pick up your phone and unlock it. And see your best friend Winter is texting you.

Winter has been close seen you both were babies.. she is like a sister to you.. even though she is kyle's sister.. which makes you part of their crazy family.. they found you... as a baby, took you in as one of their own... soon kyle's father start a pack.. which is now known as the rouge pack. Soon hopefully kyle take his father's spot and become ahpla.. and his parents are proud of him.

Winter: hey girl you need a ride.?

Do I need I ride.. you through to yourself? "Hey kyle mad at us. plus she is sister." Your wolf squeaks happily. "Not full blood, sister through." You told your wolf. You quickly text her back. With "yeah, I do..Kyle is not happy with me..".

Winter: ill be there in a hand shake, I went to get coffee.. uh oh what you do this time.

Man, Winter text back fast.. you put your phone down and quickly go and get your outfit of the day. Which was a white jacket and jeans. When you are done getting the dress you brush your h/c and you put it in a bun.

You grab your backpack. And close your door as you walk downstairs, hoping not to run into kyle as you left. You made the front door and walk outside.

The sky was clear as day. and the bird sang a beautiful song. You zone out and think about finding your mate. Honk snap you back from your dream world.

You get up and walk to the black jeep and get in. "Heya girl, why is kyle mad at you for." She asked. "He mad because I was mad about him to hang with hoes." You mumble under your breath. "Oh, well make sense," Winter said laughing. "Yeah, I guess so.."

Hey cheer up, he forgives you, but thank you in the future at some time." She said to me keep her eyes on the road as she hand me coffee. 'It's your favorite type of coffee." She says. "I'm not coffee mood winter." You sigh. "Aww come on at least one.. " she begs me. "Fine.." I mumble as I drink some of the coffee.

Winter pull into our school.. she put the car in park and quickly put eyeliner on, she drink her coffee before putting lipstick on. We got out of the car and she lock it. As we walk to school people stare at us.

You and winter went to the locker. Seen her right next to you. "Great, be back in this hell hole," Winter said scarcely. I get my book.

I close my lock and wait for winter. And I see the school slut walk up to me. "Well well, it is the girl who can't find her mate," Amanda said. "Least I'm not school and pack hoe." You snap back. "Ugh this girl gets all my nerves, let me rip her throat out ." Y/w growls.

"Leave us alone Amanda, we don't want your diseases." Winter snapped. "Shut up brat," one other girl says to winter. "Well less I can get men," She says to my grin. And other girls start to laugh at that comment. Your hand starts going into a fist. "Move hoe we don't get time for you." You growling. "Huh, this is why I'm stronger than you." She put her head up.

"You wanna fight me." You give her a wild grin. Winter mind links you. "What you doing," She asked me. "I'm giving her a taste of her own medicine." You said grin. You quickly look to see Amanda talk to her girls. She walks back up to me.

"Met me at the football field right after school." She snaps. "I won't be surprised if she doesn't show," Y/w says laughing. You grin. Amanda walks back up. "Oh btw, all pack members gonna be there." She flips her hair and walks off.

(After school )

You put on your sports bra and some shorts. "This gonna be super easy." Your wolf laughs. "I know, it is like taking Starbuck from this bitch." You respond with a grin.

You walk out of the girl lock room. "Hey y/n, I'm sorry about early," Kyle said. "It ok, I was only trying to help you.." you said worry. "Thank y/n, are you gonna fight, Amanda." He asked worry. "Yes, I am." You respond. "Good luck sis," Kyle says. I nodded and walk to the football field.

I have seen Amanda in bra and shorts, her blond hair up. And we saw different packs there. Amanda starts running at you, try kick and punch you. You quickly doges it and you punch her in the nose make her hold her nose. And she holds her noses.

She get back up and try to punch me but you moved fast and punch her in the mouth. She starts bleeding from her mouth. "She still not down, she is down when I'm done." Your wolf growls. You grab her blond hair and quickly look her in her blue eyes and punch her in the eye.

She falls back. And everyone starts cheering. She got back up and change into her werewolf form. You change into my werewolf form. Your werewolf form has white fur and black on your paw. You bite her in the neck. She growls and we circle for a long time. "I had enough, let me take over." Your wolf yells madly. Amanda comes at you again and scratches you. You growl at her as you grab her and hold her down wait for her to give up.

Soon she give up, tell me I won. I let her go and howl. And everyone cheer and yell your name. She jumps on me and keeps using her paw and keep scratching you. "THAT IS IT, GET OFF HER RIGHT NOW AMANDA." Sam used his alpha tone. She turns back to her human form. Soon you turn back to your human form and you see winter run up to you and put a blanket around you. "I'm-, sor-ry aphla." Amanda said. "You be put in the cage chain with silver for a week," Kyle says. "Y e-s, alpha." Amanda says.

I fall to the ground. And soon I'm looking at a dude with green eyes and dirty blond hair. "Hey, my name is alpha, Ethan." He says in a husky voice. "My name...is." black dot start covering your version. Soon you passed out.

   woah, I told you it gonna be longer chapters,  hope you guys like this chapter.

(Btw 1280 words!!)

Peace out,
Zoe ✌

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 27, 2021 ⏰

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