she's a fucking looser

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She lays there,
On her pink bed,
with the flowery sheets,
And the blue and pink pillows....
'How the Fuck did I get here?'

Its the day before her 16th birthday,
And she knows she'll get all these gifts and have a big party ,
Where she'll have to fake happiness and  give tight lipped smiles while she talks to her parents business associates...
While she lies to their faces  that she's happy, when they ask...
'How does it feel to be 16?'
Like they even care about her ....

She's tired of lying.

And  for once in her life,
she wants to admit the truth.
The truth that she's lonely.
So Fucking lonely.

You see,
She's the perfect daughter,
Knows when to smile,
Knows when to charm family members,
Gets perfect grades,
Always neat.
Knows how to 'wow' her parents businesses associates.


Perfect girl.
But oh so lonley.

You see the truth about her,
Is that she's so tired of pretending,
To be the perfect little girl,
She's just so tired.
All she wants to do is experience life,
But she can't .
Because she's  confined to the expectations of her parents.

When the other girls talk about all the things they've done,
All she can do is smile and say 'wow'.
When the other girls talk about their conquests like they're awards,
Their experiences with men like they're trophies,
She has nothing to say,
No awards to show,
No trophies on display,
She has no experience.
At all.
All she has are  her stupid books,
That take her into dream land where she can meet Mr. Right.

Why cant she experience life also?
Why cant she be like Patrick from the perks of being a wall flower, and not give a Damn about haters?
Why cant she experience what it feels to have a crush that doesn't  crush your heart?
Why cant she feel the rush of ecstasy as she kisses him in the rain?
Why cant she find a boy in her bedroom stealing her bra?
Why cant she just be free?

Be cause  the world is fucked up and teenagers have to wear  the shoes their parents couldn't fill when they were young--
And experiencing life.

'Happy fucking birthday to me'
She mutters as she stares at the stupid clock reminding her that she's a year older,
But still a  young looser.
'How the Fuck did I get here?'
She asks...
Simple honey,
You were born here.

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