Chapter 3

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An// welcome back please enjoy.

"You may have won today Ladybug, but I now know who you are. And that is something I will never forget." Hawkmoth chuckles. He de-transformed and left his pavilion. He stepped into the dining room after descending the stairs. Adrien sat at the other end of the table.

"Nice to see you joining me for dinner today." Mr. Agreste commented. Adrien continued to eat his food silently. "So your friend, tell me about them."

"Well my friend Nino is pretty cool. He is interested in music, and he likes to create music. He is dating a girl named Alya, and she is super smart. She created a blog dedicated to Ladybug. Then there is Marinette. She is super smart, and shy. I don't think she likes me that much. She can barely speak coherently around me. But those three are super cool. Why do you ask?" Adrien answered with another question.

"Well you always ask to hang out with friend, and I was wondering who you would be going to the movies with, and if I should send your bodyguard in the movies with you. However, they seem to be trust-able. So be careful and don't prove my judgment wrong." Mr. Agreste answered. Adrien nodded and dismissed himself from the table. "A super smart girl, but shy." Gabriel murmured.


My alarm softly beeped pulling me from my dreams. I roll off my bed, only to fall onto the floor. Half awake. A small groan forces me to open my eyes. I look at Alya lying on my love seat sitting up.

"You had one job, turn off the alarm." she slurred as she stood. She stepped towards her phone turning the alarm off. She sat down for a moment rubbing her face before putting her glasses on. standing with a yawn I look around the room.

"Why are we awake?"

"The movie starts at one, and we are going to lunch before it. It is ten right now, we meet up for lunch in an hour. Get ready." my eyes widened and I grabbed my pile of clothes that Alya picked out for me last night. Running into the bathroom I take a quick shower and change. Walking back to my room I pass Alya as she steps into the bathroom. Looking around my room I try to remember why I walked in here.

"Ah!" I walk towards my chair grabbing my purse. I sling my purse over my not injured shoulder before walking into my closet. Rummaging through my shoes I grab a nice pair of black flats. Alya joined me in my room after her quick shower. She wore a knee length brown skirt with an orange tank top with an unbuttoned orange flannel. She wore orange converses and fish net tights. She tied back the top part of her hair.

"Here let me style your hair."


Nino and I waited for Alya and Marinette sitting at a bench in the park. We had ten more minutes until our lunch window closed. If we don't leave soon we wont have time to eat. Nino stood and greeted Alya. Marinette followed close behind. Her black jacket complimented her knee length baby pink dress, white leggings falling to her mid shin complimented her dress, she wore her normal black flats. the top part of her hair was pulled into a bun, the bottom half fell to her shoulders in a bunch of curls.

"Shall we go eat?" Marinette inquired. We walked to the cafe that we chose to eat at. We quickly ordered something for lunch before sitting at a table.

"So, why or... well... how did you get... get the okay... well be able to join us... join us today?" Marinette stuttered her inquiry.

"Uh, my dad said I have been down recently. So maybe this can lift my spirits," I answered. A tray greeted us as our meal is served. Passing plates around the table we dispense the food to everyone at the table. "So what movie are we seeing?"

"Uh I was thinking an action movie. They recently made a movie about Ladybug and Chatnoir. We could see that," Nino answered.

"What is that about, just them saving Paris? We can see that every day," Marinette half joked. Alya pulled her phone out.

"According to the google, the movie is about Ladybug and Chatnoir. Its a theory on how they came to be. I man it sounds interesting, what do you say Marinette," Alya inquired playfully. Marinette rolled her eyes.

"I mean yeah, lets watch it." Marinette added.

We paid for our meal before leaving to the movie theater. We bought our tickets then sat down in the theater. I sat next to Marinette, she sat next to Alya, and Alya sat next to Nino. All in a line. Nino tried to make the point that if something were to happen that we could save them. Alya said that her and Marinette don't need saving. Which is true, Marinette is Ladybug after all. We watched half of the movie before people started to scream outside. Nino and Alya stood Alya looked towards Marinette before leaving the two of us. Marinette stood turning to me.

"I uh- well I have to go." She ran out of the theater. Looking around I find myself alone in the theater. I quickly transform and run out of the theater. Birds and bunnies replaced the people. A girl wearing a long red dress the top fell in a sweet heart neck line, and long sleeves. Her hair fell down to her waist. A small golden crown rested on her head. She wore golden heals. She spun in circles singing to the animals. She looked like a new Disney princess. A fox and a turtle ran around the princess. She stopped singing glaring at the two animals.

"For being friends of Marinette it sure didn't take long for you to transform into animals. Now you can't do anything to help her. poor you," she hummed. "Why go through all that trouble, Hawkmoth knows she is Ladybug."

Before I could think of a plan of action, Ladybug swung down and knocked over the princess. The fox pulled the turtle away from the princess just in time.

"So what if he knows who I am. I will get his miraculous, and free his kwami." She exclaimed confidently. I felt a small smirk spread across my lips as I joined her.

"Am I in this plan somewhere M'lady?" I inquired looking at her. She smiled and nodded.

A bird swooped close to her ears reaching for her earrings. Pushing Ladybug the bird pecked my arm. The princess chuckled as the bird swooped towards me. Many birds followed the first bird. I was being surrounded, trapped by the birds. They cornered me away from Ladybug. Using Cataclysm I destroy the ground of the cinema. I fell down the whole I made. Using my baton I fly towards Ladybug catching her. She used her yo-yo to get us out of the pit I made.

"Idiot, what if you kill someone?" she growls as I set her down next to the pit.

"Well I am sorry, it was the only thing I could think of."

"I know, we are not in a good position. Especially if Hawkmoth knows who I am. "

"But earlier you-"

"-I know. I was trying to scare him."

I jumped down into the pit. Falling closer to the princess. As I reached the bottom I used my baton to slow my fall. Ladybug joined me down here. The princess sat in a pile of her own dress, crying. I quickly stepped toward her.

"Hey, I know I dropped you down here, but don't fret you will be fine." She quickly spun towards me. Jumping back from her. She fell defeated. Handing Ladybug her crown.

"Just take it, I am no princess when I act like this. Watch out for Hawkmoth Marinette," she warned before Ladybug broke the crown and de-evilize the akuma. Smiling I quickly left before I transformed back.

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