''In Memoirs of Tom Riddle''

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I was staring at my glassed window here at the orphanage.It seems that I was in a cage.The one that can't open by somebody even a great weapon.The one that is going to burn,to rust,to damage and some ordinary malfunctions.The one that is only about a size of an ordinary ruler.My world here was very small.I have nothing to do except from eating when they serves me a food.Talking to fires in the fireplace that making me insane everyday,playing the glass hour and pretending that if it ends,it would also my very last breathe and keep staring at my glassed window seeing streets,lightpost,fog and Dark Marks somewhere from nowhere.I have a strong vision and sense that I'm that two decades from now.But it can't be true because I'm only a muggle,an ordinary loner and idiot here at Wool's Orphange.

I grew up here in a dingy orphanage,completely unaware of my wizarding heritage.I did have some grasp on my abilities beyond that of normal magical children of my same age, however, as well as an unusually high degree of control over them

I could move objects with my mind and cause them to travel floating wherever I wished, manipulate animals and creatures as I wished, speak Parseltounge, and use my power to inflict harm on other orphans. After getting into a fight with one boy, I used my powers to hang the boy's rabbit from the rafters. On one occasion, I took two orphans,Dennis bishop and Amy Benson into a cave, where I performed an act so horrifying that the two orphans were traumatised into silence. I also stole from fellow orphans and hid their possessions in his cupboard like trophies.

I specifically consider myself an idiot.The reasons that I was so certain,first my father abondoned me after my birth(died after a few years) second, my mother died earlier after my birth and last but not the least I have no friends here except the fire that makes me insane and can do unknown and weird activities and abilities.Sometimes It's color turning to green and became more huge and vulnerable.

Everyday,Hogwarts,school of witchcraft and wizarding simply fell into my mind.I always wished someday that I will study their and become a great professor or a sorcerer,indeed.It can make my life spellbinding and meaningful.

Until when I was Eleven,a professor at Hogwarts named Albus Dumbledore visit me at my home sweet home at Wool's Orphange and talk sincerely to Mrs.Cole,the matron of the orphange.Dumbledore is quite old,has a long beard and moustache,had an Auburn Hair and with a blue eyes.

First, Dumbledore informed her of how unusual I was, sharing tales of his extraordinary influence over me. When Dumbledore was at last introduced to the me,I believed him to be a doctor or psychiatrist of some sort, come to take him to an asylum. I was convinced after Dumbledore demonstrated his power by using a Flame Freezing Charm on my cupboard, and when he revealed that Hogwarts was a school for people with magic which I realised my abilities were.

At a very early age, it is clear that I displayed a desire to be different and set apart from others (as is hinted when he mentions I dislike of my own name, because it is such a common name). I was not surprised at all upon being informed by Dumbledore that I was a wizard —  I was, in fact, eager to believe that I had special gifts that no one else had. I also showed an eminent fear of death, considering it a human weakness. I claimed that my mother couldn't have been a witch, because if she was magical than she would have been able to avoid dying.

As days passed by,I received a letter from the Headmaster of Hogwarts,I was impressed in his letter to me.It's an approval of being a student their,I was excited to buy my supplies,uniforms and textbooks.

Until the 1st of september,1938,was my very first day,I'm excited to see a lot of things,the Diagon Alley,Leakey Cauldron,Ollivander's wand,Hogwarts express and of course the Hogwarts school of witchcraft and wizardy,It's corridors,courtyards,lavatories,rooms and professors that I will meet.

I felt like I was a great wizard when I touched my very first wand.It's nice and seemed vulnerable to cast a spell.

 Abuse of my wizarding powers alarmed Albus. He resolved to keep a close eye on me, "something I should have done in any case, seeing as he was alone and friendless." Dumbledore also warned me that at Hogwarts I would be introduced to the laws that controlled the usage of magic in the wizarding world, and that law-breakers were punished with severity not by Hogwarts but the Ministry of Magic. Riddle's demeanour changed after Dumbledore reprimanded me; I became more guarded and shielded his reactions. Dumbledore provided me with enough information to find Diagon Alley and Platform Nine and Three-Quarters. I bought some second-hand robes and spellbooks for myself, along with my wand-thirteen and a half inches; yew; phoenix feather core—at Ollivander's.Mr.Ollivander later said that the wand was very powerful.

I was educated at Hogwarts school of Witchcraft and Wizardy from 1938to 1945, and was Sorted in Slytheryn House. During summer breaks,Iwas forced to return to the Muggle orphanage, which I despised and dreaded more than any other place on earth.

I described the way I was seen as "poor, but brilliant, parentless, but so brave, a school Prefect, a model student. This opinion was also shared by the professors, including Horace Slughorn, who was taken in by Tom's charisma and who taught me about Horcruxes The sole exception to this was Albus Dumbledore, who was, at that time, Professor of Transfiguration. Dumbledore remained suspicious about my true nature; Me, in turn, despised and feared Dumbledore. I  has gathered myself a gang of Slytheryn thugs, a motley composition of "the weak seeking protection, the ambitious seeking some shared glory, and the thuggish gravitating toward a leader who could show them more refined forms of cruelty," most of which would become the firs Death Eaters.I claimed they were my  friends, and would make it appear so in public, but in truth, I cared very little for them, using them as servants. I manipulated them to do his darker deeds in discreet manners, which led to nasty incidents that were never connected to them.

I  became obsessed with my  heritage and began researching it with an insatiable hunger. I learned of my Slytherin ancestry, discovered the existence of the Chamber of Secrets under Hogwarts, and tamed the Basilisk which dwelt within. As the Heir of Slytherin through my mother's family, I was able to open the Chamber Slytherin had left behind in order to "purge the school of all those who are unworthy to study magic" — in me and Slytherins' eyes Muggle Borns

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 10, 2010 ⏰

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