Chapter 25

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Lauren's pov

We was all cuddled up on the couch, Camila once again inside my robe with me, I kiss her cheek and she smiles kissing me back

"I need wee" sofi said, she gets up and runs up the stairs

"No running" Sinu said, I pull back out of the kiss and Camila rubs her thumb across my bottom lip

"I love you" she said, I smile and peck her thumb

"I love you too" I say, she smiles and pecks my lips and rests her head against my chest

"Here" I say, she looks at me and I take my robe off putting it around her

"But, what about you?" She asked, I shook my head and wrapped it around her

"I'm fine" i say, she nods and cuddles into me, I hear a crying and thuds coming down the stairs...too fast to be sofi running, I jump up and run to the stairs and the others follow me, I see sofi falling down them and I run up and pick her up, she cries and I walk down the stairs and back into the room, I sit the on the couch and Camz sits next to her

"Hey, you're okay" I say, she sobs and I rub her arms

"Does this hurt?" I Ask, she shook her head, I put my hand on the back of her head

"No" she sobbed

"L-leg" she sobbed, I touch them and she screams, I frown

"What one?" I Ask, she points to her right, I pull her pants leg up and cringe

"Yeh, let's go to the hospital" I say, Sinu looks

"It's just a bruise" she said, I shook my head

"Her's broken" I say, Sinu sighs sadly and nods and we all go to the hospital in our pjs

"Hey, can I have a doctor please?" I ask the woman carrying sofi, Camz was behind me and puts her mouth against my shoulder and looks at me

"Hey, what's going on? Pyjama party?" He asked, sofi giggles softly

"She's broken her leg" I say, I show him and he sighs

"Yeh, Come on Let's go make you feel better, we'll be 5 minutes" he said, we all nod and sit down, Camila sits in my lap and I smile

"She keeps checking you out" she said, I frown and look at the woman at the front desk, she looking at me and I wink with a smile

"Hey!" Camila said, I giggle and kiss her cheek and she hides in my neck

"Stop doing that to people who like you" she said, I rub her back

"And get people to stop liking you" she said, we all giggle at what she said

"I can't help that, I'm just to hot" I say, she hums

"Be less hot" she said, I giggle and kiss her cheek

"You don't want that" I say, she slips her hand up my shirt and pulls the robe around us, she squeezes my boob looking at me, I smile and she pecks my lips and plays with my boobs until sofi comes back

She has a pink cast and crutches, I go up to the lady and grab a pen then sign sofi's cast

"Now that's worth a million dollars" I say, she giggles and we all sign it even the doctor, I draw a soccer ball going into the net as the goalkeeper misses it, in then draw someone with their hands up from scoring

"Wow..." sofi said, I smile and kiss her head

"That's me!" I say, Camz smiles and wraps her arms around me

"You're an artist" she said, I look at her

"No, I'm a soccer player" I say, she giggles and I give them pen back and we go home

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