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Tonight is the night I finally ask Frankie to be my girlfriend. It's going on spring and I've been talking to her for basically a whole month. I already cane up with the conclusion that she also has feelings for me she's just too afraid to admit it. Which is fine of course.

"Hey, you ready?" I knocked on the door waiting for Frankie to come out with her costume.

"Almost," she shouted..

"Ok. No rush," I shouted back. We decided to dress up like dead cheerleaders and football players. Not zombie's though, we're just straight up dead. There isn't a sports team at her school but there was at mine. They were the one's that bullied me for having cancer.

"Ok, ok, I'm coming out." I stood back from the door and waited for her to come out and when she did, I was blown away.

"Woah. You look-"

"Dead! Yeah I know!" She excitedly jumped in front of the mirror. All I could do was all was stare at her, and her body.

"Well I was going to say-" I couldn't finish because the doorbell was being pressed.

"Samantha what are you-" before Frank could finish Samantha stopped her by putting her hand in her face.

"I came to invite you guys to my spring party. I know it's late but I figured you had nothing else to do," she spoke.

"Well thanks. We were actually going to a costume party for the start of spring/spring break thing," she explained to her.

Samantha took a while to answer her back. She was looking Frankie up and down. "You look good. Plus it's a constume party anyways. And your not fat. I'm sorry for saying that," she exhaled. "Your thick, I wish I was that thick but whatever doesn't matter," was she trying be nonchalant? "See you," she said before walking away.

"What was that about?" I chuckled.

"I don't know," she shrugged.



"Mom! We won't be going to the party thing with you today," I didn't see my mom so I simply just yelled hoping she'd hear me.

"Ok!" She yelled back. "Have fun!"

Mickey Mouse and I were going to Samantha's costume party. The only reason why we were going was because we didn't want to hand out boring candy to boring kids.

We arrived at Samantha's house in Queens. She had one house in Queens and an apartment in Manhattan. She's usually in Manhattan because of her school and parents and such.

"Woah is that Fatty Frankie? She looks hot," I heard some random guy said. It was flattering but I could tell she was drunk as hell.

My costume was pretty revealing to be honest. My bach was showing and a little but of my stomach was showing. You could also see my legs. This was the type of stuff I'd wear before the whole Scott situation but Mickey Mouse forced me to wear it this time. Ou, but Mickey Mouse's costume gave the perfect view of his abs.

When we walked inside, everything seemed to stop as everyone looked at us. No type of expression at all but I felt like something bad or embarrassing was about to happen.

"Is that Frankie?" Someone shouted out.

"Yeah. Who's the guy though?"

"Uh my names Mickey," he yelled out in a random direction.

"Oh. Your hawt!" That same person yelled out.

"Uh thanks I guess," he looked at me confused. I just shrugged in response.

"Frankie looks kind of hot too," someone else in the crowd yelled. What the hell was happening? Huh! Was this a trap?

The crowd went silent again. Then, they started doing what I never thought they would. They started chanting my name.

"Frankie, Frankie, Frankie," they shouted.

"What the hell is happening?" Mickey Mouse bent down to whisper in my ear.

"I don't know. Is it the costume?" I looked up at him.

"It is pretty sexy," he shrugged with a smile on his face.

"What the hell is going on!" The chanting stopped when Samantha came down the stairs and she looked pissed.

"We're cheering for Frankie," I think his name was like Dave or something.


"Because she looks hot," he answered back.

"I look hot," she sounded jealous and selfish, per usual.

"Yeah. We know that. You always do."

"Well, keep your voices down," she stomped back up the steps. I could tell she was angry.

Then, the music started again.

"That was weird," Mickey Mouse said as we shoved through a crowd a people.

"Yeah. I know."

We were in the kitchen now. I looked at Mickey Mouse and realized that he had something on his mind.

"What's wrong?" I placed my hand on his shoulder.

"Ok. I'm just going to come out and say it. Or ask it in this matter. Frankie, will you be my girlfriend?"

My dumb self had to rewrite this whole chapter bc I totally forgot that It was like april going on may. My dumass wrote "Halloween party" but I had to change it into a costume party.

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