Lucile Heartfilia

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Lucile Heartfilia.... I hate that name. It brings bad luck. So I'm Lucy. Not Lucile, Lucy. I just got back yesterday. I was gone for a while, and it's time I go back to being the queen of fairy tail high. I get up and get dressed in a black crop top that has the word 'Lucky' on it and Jean shorts. I wear thigh high black see through socks with black heels that had spikes in them and a cream colored fur coat that I wore off my shoulders. I brush my hair and let it flow down to my waist. Then I grabbed my bag and phone then I get into my dad's car. He drives me to school. " Bye " I said then I get out and go to my locker. I walked in making everyone shake as I walked past them. Just how I like it. Some glared at me. Don't tell me... I thought. Then that stupid whore blocks my path. " Hey slut " She said. " You shouldn't slut shame people when the only test you could ever pass is a pregnancy test " I said then push her out the way. I huffed and walked away from her. I walked out to the courtyard and he was standing there. Acting like a king. I swear this boy! I pushed through the crowd, ignoring their glares, and go over to him and grab him by the ear. I pulled him out of the crowd and throw him on the ground. " What the fuck do you think your doing?! " I yelled.
" I can explain " He said. " It better be a good one " I said. " Okay so while you were gone lisanna took over some f the school, and I also did sorta " He explains. " Where is he? " I asked.
" Who? " He asked in return " The king " I answered. He shuddered when I said that.

~Couple minutes later~

" He's in there " He told me. " Well let's go then " I said. " I have to go with you in there? " He asked. " Well, you can go with me now, or die later " I threatened. " F-fine " He said. I opened the door and drag him in. He turned his chair around to face me. His pink hair spiking out in all directions. He smirked at me.
" Kings are to rule, not let others do it for them " I said " What about the queen? You should try and keep your spot too " Natsu said. " I was away for a while, but im back now so I'll be in charge again " I said. " Anyways I'm here to tell you, that bitch might die if she steps to me again " I said. Then I walked out leaving him there.

~In the office~

" Bixslow...right? " Natsu asked. He nodded. " You should get your girl, she's not gonna survive the storm that is about to happen " Natsu said to him. " What do you mean? " He asked. " You've never seen her mad, it's not pretty " Natsu answered. " Yes I have, just a couple minutes ago before we came in here " He said. " No, she was just annoyed, not mad, it's much, much worse than anything she did to you just now. " Natsu said. " How do you know that? " Bixslow asked. " Because I barely survived the last time she got mad " Natsu answers. The boy shudders. Then he runs to find lisanna.

~With Lisanna~

" Lis! " He yelled. " Yes babe? " She asked. " You need to stop this! Before it's too late " He warned. " Stop what? " She asked. " Stop messing with Lucy, she's really dangerous " He said. Lisanna scoffed. " So you think I can't handle her? " She asked offended. " No, I know you can't handle her " He said. " Why would you say that? " Lisanna asked with a pout. " That's because even the king said so. " He explains. Lisanna's eyes widen. " The king said that? " She asked. Bixslow nodded.

~With Lucy~

Right now it's a free period, everyone is hanging out in the courtyard. " Hey! Worthless maggots that I don't care about! Listen up! " She said loud enough for everyone to hear. They all looked at her. " I was gone for a while, and I'm back now! And I'm still the queen! So if any of you cross me, even once, you WILL die! " She yelled. Everyone shuddered and said 'yes' or 'yeah'.
" Good " She said and then she walked to the rooftop.

~On the rooftop~

Lucy sat on the railing. Then she heard footsteps. She glared at the entrance to the roof waiting to see who was there. It was Bixslow. She sighed. " What do you want? " Lucy asked annoyed. " You need to see this " He said. Lucy sighed once again before getting down off the railings. She ran after bixslow to this huge crowd of whispering students. She tried to push through but they won't let her. She got pretty annoyed. " Okay everyone move now! " Her voice boomed. They all moved out the way. Lucy stares in shock at what she sees in front of her. " Everyone get the hell away from here right now " She said.
They all get silent. " What the fuck did I just say?! " She asked annoyed. They all ran trying to get as far away from the scene as possible so they won't get hurt by Lucy. A very pissed Lucy to be exact. Bixslow ran quickly to get Natsu before things got out of hand.

~In Natsu office~

Bixslow opens the door. " Hurry... Up... Before we all... Die " He said panting.
" What happened? " Natsu asked standing up. " Lucy is mad now " He said. " Who made her mad " Natsu asked. " I don't know " Bixslow answers. " What do you mean you don't know? " Natsu asked. " It would be easier to just show you why she is mad instead of telling you " He said.
" Lead the way then " Natsu said. Bixslow nodded and went to where Lucy was with Natsu following him.

~With Lucy~

You could see the smoke emitting from Lucy's body as she looked at what was in front of her with anger.
" Holy shit! " Natsu said. He went over there and held Lucy stomach from behind her. " It's okay Luce, calm down, we don't wanna die today " He said in a calm voice. " Maybe not today, but someone will die for this " She said angrily.

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