Lollibag (B.F.B.)

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Lollipop was bored, real bored, so she looked around for anyone to talk to, her team was working on calming Book down for the fifteenth time and she was not in the mood to deal with that. Taco was being shunned at the moment so who knows where she was. The sun was going to set soon and she didn't want to be alone in the dark.

Lollipop kept walking around until she rounded a tree, there she saw Donut and Barf Bag sitting in the grass, talking, she didn't want to talk to them but it was either that or die alone, bored for all eternity. She sighed and knocked on the tree to get the pair's attention, once she did she smirked.

Barf Bag looked for what had made the sudden noise and to her dismay it was Lollipop, "Ugh what do you want now?" She glared, turning her body away from Donut to Lollipop.

"You don't have to look at me like that I was just bored and wanted to talk to someone, unfortunately you're the only two I found." Lollipop said with a light smirk, acting more civil made Barf Bag look barbaric, and she liked that.

"Can't you talk to someone else I'm kind of busy here." Barf Bag gripped the grass as she looked downwards slightly.

"I'm sure whatever you and Bagel Brain are talking about can include me too." Lollipop said, leaning onto the tree.

"Don't call me that." Donut spoke up, now knowing that that nickname was an insult made him annoyed whenever he heard it, because quite frankly he liked it up until that point.

Lollipop rolled her eyes, ignoring Donut's comment, "Oh come on what could you possibly be talking about that can't include me?"

Lollipop was confused when Donut scratched the back of his neck awkwardly and looked at Barf Bag who turned back and was now facing the setting sun, when she turned she took a few shades of grass with her, no one spoke.

Lollipop put her hands on her hips and scoffed, "Seriously if what you were talking about was so important why stop talking about it just because I'm here."

Donut cleared his throat, "Because it includes-" He was interrupted by Barf Bag, whom covered Donut's mouth making the rest of his sentence muffled.

"What the heck do you think you're doing!? I told you not to tell anyone! Especially her!" Barf Bag whisper yelled, uncovering Donut's mouth so he could speak.

"If you don't tell her now she'll find out on her own terms, it's Lollipop we're talking about." Donut whispered back as he raised an eyebrow, pointing out the obvious.

Lollipop blinked and just stared at the two of them trying to figure out what was going on, while they were distracted with each other, Lollipop edged closer to hear better, not that she really had to, Barf Bag whispered quite loudly.

"Still she doesn't need to know! Not like it matters to her anyways." Barf Bag bit her lip when she saw Donut raise his eyebrow more, "Yeah okay it probably would matter to her but she would never stop talking about my crush on her for days!"

Lollipop blinked and settled back into her position like she hadn't heard anything and was just waiting for what was happening to end.

A crush on me? Well that's cliché, should've expected that. That's how all rivals usually end up.

"Alright fine I won't tell her, but you'll have to eventually." Donut finished the whisper conversation.

Barf Bag sighed, nodding in agreement slowly, she'd have to eventually, just.. not yet, she wasn't ready. Barf Bag let go of Donut and sat up, crossing her arms as she leaned against the tree.

"Y'know who knew your barf molecules could clog up your ears, seriously you whisper so loudly."

Barf Bag groaned, "It's my name!" She said for the thousandth time, then blinked rapidly when the rest of Lollipop's sentence sunk in, she looked up at Lollipop, "Uh- did you hear anything specific..?"

Lollipop shrugged, she wasn't looking at Barf Bag, but at the sunset, "Just you scolding Bagel Brain for something."

Donut looked unamused when he realized Lollipop didn't listen to him the first time.

Barf Bag quietly sighed in relief, straightening her hair up as being nervous had made her hair fall slightly.

Lollipop smiled lightly, "Well I'm off, bye Bagel Brain, Barf Bag." She turned and walked off, not even bothering to hear if they'd say bye or not, she wiped her shirt to make sure no bugs or sticks or anything was on her as she continued to walk.

"Bye." Barf Bag waved, then coughed and added, "I guess."

Donut only nodding at her leaving.

Barf Bag sighed louder in relief when she was gone, "That was close.."

Donut blinked and looked at Barf Bag,"No yeah she totally heard you say you had a crush on her."

Barf Bag froze, immediately becoming flustered and yelled, "WHAT!?" The word echoing in the quiet night.

Lollipop smiled and giggled slightly at hearing Barf Bag, knowing exactly what just happened, as she continued to walk off.

Author's Note: Lollibag for me is a 9/10 very good pairing that I like personally. Requests are open! Just ask them down in the comments! Read the description of the story to see what won't be excepted!

Art by: Zeeky, my best friend!

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