Part 54.

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Selena was outside with Cash shooting baskets

Cash: I'm sorry that he said that to you. ( passes her the ball )

Selena: ( bounces the ball ) you shouldn't be apologizing, he should. ( shoots the ball in the net )

Cash: Yeah but still—

Selena: No but's he needs to take responsibility for his own actions.

Cash: But maybe I have something to do with it.

Selena: What? How? You have always been good to me.

Cash: Yes but still you don't know the whole truth.

Selena: Well tell me Cash.

Cash: I can't...

Selena: I know he's a brother and all but am I not a sister to you now?

Cash: Of course you are

Selena: So then tell me

Cash: It's best if he does... I'm sorry.

Selena: Damnit ( throws the ball at the backboard hard in frustration ) just fucking tell me

Cash: Selena calm down

Selena: No, tell me the truth. Is he using again? Is he fucking Bella? Tell me something!

Cash: Like I said, it's best if he tells you.

Selena watched Cash walk back inside. Moments later Selena went back inside as Julius and Caesar were laying on the floor in the kitchen. Abel walked up the stairs stopping when he saw her.

Selena: Going to see Bella?.. so that you could go fuck her? Cause that's what you want.

Abel: Stop..

Selena: Your words not mines.

Abel: Can we talk?

Selena: No.. we can't talk. I want to go to bed. Goodnight. ( starts walking out )

Abel: I've been talking to Bella...

Selena: ( Stops )

Abel: And I am still using... I get so depressed from all this traveling that it's the only way for me to be happy.

Selena: Cool...

Abel: Selena..

Selena: dont.. There was a time that I made you happy. I guess I don't make you feel that way anymore

Abel: Selena listen

Selena: ( chokes out her words ) Goodnight Abel..

Selena was walking out the kitchen as the tears began to fall. Minutes later she was curled up in bed hugging her knees as the tears were falling.

Abel: Baby I'm sorry

Abel walked to the bed as he heard his girlfriend cry. He pulled the covers off of her as he watched her turn her body away from him with her back facing him.

Selena: Just go...

Abel: I'm not going anywhere baby, I promise.

Abel moved her to her back seeing her cover her face with her hands.

Abel: I'll make it up to you.

He stripped her from her underwear feeling her part her legs before she let out a gasp feeling his tongue push inside her. Selena arched her back as she reached her hand down gripping his hair. Abel had her walls spread as he was eating her out. They haven't had sex since her birthday which was a month ago. Her tears went from her being sad to her having so much pleasure. He was giving her so much pleasure that she was grinding upward against his tongue as her moans were uneven as her climax was coming. He started sucking her clit to where she let out a loud scream.

Theresa: ( in the kitchen hearing everything )

Lamar: What are you doing?

Theresa: ( jumps ) shit you scared me

Lamar: ( chuckles ) sorry I

Both heard Selena let out a loud scream.

Lamar: Looks like they made up

Theresa: I guess so...

Lamar: It's a good thing

Theresa: Right. I'll be downstairs.

Lamar: ( confused )

Abel flipped her over as she got on her knees and he pulled his pants down getting on the bed on his knees from behind her.

Courtney: Where is Selena?

Theresa: What do you think?

Courtney: Ohh

Raquelle: I knew I heard screaming.

Theresa: I wish they wouldn't do this when we're in the house. It's annoying.

Raquelle: But it's her house

Theresa: I know but still...

Courtney: You good?

Theresa: Yeah.

Abel and Selena was cuddling in bed an hour later.

Abel: We needed that

Selena: I guess so

Abel: I'm sorry that I've been keeping shit from you

Selena: Are you going to continue doing drugs?

Abel: No

Selena: Dont just say no Abel, promise me.

Abel: I promise


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