C h a p t e r t h i r t y t h r e e

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Disclaimer! If you are against LGBTQ then this chapter is not for you and I advise you just leave this story or any of my books 🤷🏽‍♀️ simple.

*Kats pov*

The room was dark but there was a little bit of the night light falling through the window as perfect silhouette gracefully climbed onto my bed onto me. Her hair was silky and her skin was smooth.

She pressed her lips onto mine then pulled apart as she made her way down my jaw line, to my chin, to my neck, to my collar bone, and lower. Each kiss giving me chills as it turned me on even more. She smelt like bombshell. She straddled me as she took off her robe leaving her in a matching set of a coral pink underwear and bra.


I shot up from the strangely pleasant dream I was having.. questioning why I was having it. Also mad at the same time someone woke me up.

*knock Knock Knock*

"I'm coming!!" I said.

I walked to the door opening it up to see no other than.. Aria.

"Hey Kat!!" She said as she hugged me.

"Hey aria!" I said as I hugged her back smelling her cotton candy perfume she was wearing heavily, "w- not to sound rude haha what you doin here?" I asked her with a chuckle.

"Oh I see you don't want me here," she scoffed, "well too bad," she said laughing, playfully as she stuck her tongue out at me.

"I'm breaking up with Colby," Aria told me. I was in total shock.

"What?" I asked her.

"Things haven't been working out, I dunno," she told me. I was so confused. I thought they were great together.. apparently not. Well that shows Sam that one time when he asked me why we can't be like Colby and Aria...


Me and Sam aren't together anymore.

I almost forgot.

"Well shit Aria! I mean.. is it my fault?" I asked her feeling bad since she came to my house last night.

"Of course not! He asked where I was, I said I was with you, he asked what we did, so I said smoked pot, and then he called me a crackhead, and I just said fuck him for fucking the nurse," Aria explained to me.

"Woa, um, ouch, uh, that's a lot of information. Well fuck him for calling you a crackhead and for him fucking the nurse, now we can be two single girls together," I shrugged.

"I mean no.." Aria said very quietly. 

"No?" I said curiously.

"Huh?.." Aria said strangely. She looked down at her phone and showed me all of the messages and snaps and tweets and DM's Colby sent her.

"Aww Aria, he feels bad," I told her. I looked up at her and she was crying.

"I do too," She said. I looked at her uncertain.

*colbys pov*

"She hasn't been texting me, responding to my emails, checking my DM's and snaps for her, calling me," I went on to tell Sam pacing in front of him as he watched TV in his apartment.

"Oh, did you forget to write a fucking note and let a bird send it to her?"

"Twitter?" I asked.

"No! I was being sarcastic dumbass," he told me.

"Well I was gonna say I did tweet her so," I said with a shrug.

"Fuck it," Sam said as he shrugged too.

"Fuck what?" I asked.

"Just leave her alone. It gets better," he said.

"Sam have you seen yourself? You look terrible, you don't have room to talk I promise ya," I told him.

"Thanks," he said rolling his eyes, "can you maybe move out the way of the Tv- yea thanks,"

*zzzz zzzz*

My phone went off and I jumped. It's aria!! Thank god thank god thank god.

I went on my messages and she said:

I'm sorry Colby. I kno I shouldn't of been hidin that I smoke. Buh I knew you was goin react like that and not want me no mo and it hurts. Idk. I love you.

My heart hurt from that messaged. I hate how I made her feel like it was her fault and that she is so different and shit.

Aria it's not your fault. I shouldn't of said all that. I'm so fucked up for that I just was dealing with Sam and I miss being alone with you so I was angry and said dumb shit even tho I knew otherwise. I'm sorry. I don't see you different. Your still gorgeous, funny, sexy, smart, Aria. And I love everything about you.

And I sent that to her. Plain out. I feel like shit.

"Colby!!!" Sam said.

"Why are you yelling?"

"I've been calling your name!"

"Why Sam?!"

"THE THIRD EPISODE OF SPONGEBOB IS ON!!" He said very enthusiastically.

"Oh really now Sam," I said rolling my eyes.

"What do you have better to do? Text aria and let her not reply?" He said to me laughing, trying to tease me and get me angry. I got up and walked towards the door.

"Fuck you because she did answer me," I told him.

"Wow what spell has she put you under because usually you'd be all violent," Sam said as I almost walked out the door.

I walked back into the room slamming the door very loudly and locking it shut. I had a very in raged expression on my face. Once Sam saw that he ran into his room locking his door.

I punched and kicked the door until it broke open. He wasn't on the bed or under it or in the closet so he had to of course be in the bathroom.

I felt like I was playing hide and seek but the winner was about to get beat the fuck up. I tried to open the door and it was unlocked.

Fucking dumbass. I laughed to myself.

I found sam in the bath tub and.. had a business meeting with him. He fell asleep during the business meeting and will probably wake up In freezing water.

attention seeker// Colby Brock x reader(kinda)Where stories live. Discover now