Lunch Break

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Logan and Patton had been married for a little over five years now, they were almost inseparable. They spent almost every second of every day together. The only time they were apart was when Logan went to work.
Patton didn't work, sometimes he would volunteer at a children's hospital or an animal shelter but he was mostly home. Logan insisted that he shouldn't have to work because he made enough money to support the two of them, and another person if need be. Although Patton didn't work he still made sure to help out, he would often clean up around the house, cook meals and he even writes Logan little love notes and puts them in his lunch box. 

And today was no different then any other; on Logan's way out the door Patton handed him his tin lunch box and gave Logan a goodbye kisses. They said their goodbyes to each other and Logan would remind him that he would be back by five that same night. 
Logan looked forward to his lunch, only because it reminded him so much of Patton. And when his lunch break came, he opened the box and taped to the lid was a little folded note, Logan removed it, opened it, and read what was written.

I like the way you make me feel even when you're nowhere near.
Love you Logi, I hope you have an amazing day at work today. Here's your problem of the day: 



Logan smiled at the note, he had seen this equation multiple times before. He covered the top half and it read; I love you. 


However, Patton had accidentally forgotten to do this little routine one day. Patton had been sick the day prior, it was a common cold so he would be fine the next day. He woke up the next morning to an empty bed, he looked at the clock to see that it was eight and Logan always left the house at seven. 
Patton quickly got out of bed, walking into the kitchen he noticed that Logan's lunch box wasn't in it's normal place.

Logan had already left and Patton hadn't been able to write him a little note or give him a goodbye kiss. He felt awful. He normally never slept through his alarm but somehow he did today...

Logan wasn't having the best day. On his break he took out his lunch box, everything was rushed and not neatly placed in like Patton had always done it. There was no letter taped to the lid of the box to give Logan a little 'pick-me-up' so his day would be better. The lunch wasn't even appetizing because Logan only packed himself a sandwich and an apple. Patton always added something sweet, he always made the best sandwiches and sometimes he gave Logan leftovers from the night before. Logan pushed the box away, deciding that he didn't even feel hungry enough to eat that excuse of a lunch. He laid his head on his desk for the rest of his break.


Once Logan got home he let his coat, briefcase and the tin box fall to the floor next to the front door; not ring about them at this exact moment. He walked throughout the house, looking for the one specific person who would make him feel so much better. 

Logan walked into their home office, to see Patton sitting in his desk chair with one of Logan's jackets on. Logan stopped at the door frame, smiling at his smol bean of a husband that sat before him. Patton hadn't realized Logan yet, he was watching a movie on the computer in front of him. 
Logan walked in, calmly and with a content smile on his face, once Logan reached Patton he put his hands on the back of the chair and slowly turned Patton around, trying to not startle him. Patton looked up, after realizing it was Logan hie practically jumped up and threw his arms around Logan's shoulders.

"Logi! You're home!" Patton announced, littering kisses all over Logan's face. Logan's day  immediately got ten times better. He felt so happy and content with his husband with him. 

"Good evening, darling. How was your day?" Logan asked, placing a kiss to Patton's nose.
"I haven't seen you all day...I missed you a lot." 
"I missed you too, but I'm off tomorrow and we can spend the whole day doing whatever you'd like." Logan's promise made Patton jump with joy, he gave Logan a kiss to the lips and he still couldn't help but melt at the feeling. Even if they had been married for over five years. Every time they kissed he felt that puppy-love feeling people get whenever they first get in a relationship.


I hope this chapter was okay? I have mixed feelings about it.

Anyways, this chapter was suggested by Babysreads thank you so much for suggesting something \ (•◡•) / It means a lot to me.

~Have An Amazing Day!!

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