Her daughter? - Chapter 1

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Lord Meliodas was walking around the Tower of Demons he was trapped in so very long ago, when he felt a surge of magical power he hadn't felt in 100 years. Goddess magic.

Meliodas immediately ran towards the source of power, surprised to see the Supreme Diety and her daughter laying on the floor. He might be a Demon, but he still has a heart, so he took them both back to one of the chambers in his tower.

Le Time Skip

Elizabeth's P.O.V

I wake up in a strange place. The aura I can feel is mixed between a vampire and a demon.

"H-hello? Where am I?" I asked, hoping someone would hear me. Someone did, but as they approached I started to wish I hadn't said anything.

"Hello, Goddess," Said a deep voice from within the shadows.

"W-who are you!?" I ask, panicking this boy was that aura that I had felt before.

"I am Meliodas, of the Demon clan, and you managed to stumble onto my territory~" The Demon Meliodas picked my head up by my chin, as I was lying on the floor. I expected him to yank my head up when he put his hand under my chin, but he pulled it up slowly and gently. He inspected my face for a bit, and I couldn't help staring into his eyes. They were onyx black, but they showed something other then wrath and hatred like mother said they would. They showed curiosity, guilt, and something else I couldn't lay my finger on.

Meliodas' P.O.V

I looked into the Goddess' eyes, they weren't fill with disgust and accusation, rather curiosity, confusion, and understanding. I helped the goddess stand. Usually, I wouldn't have a problem slaughtering a goddess, yet this one I couldn't. Wait, could she? No that's impossible,

'Oh, it is very possible~' My Demon spoke.

'She's your Mate!' My vampire added.

'Shut up, both of you!'

I take the Goddess to the Supreme Diety. She starts to stir, so I hide in a corner.

"Elizabeth! Come here you worthless piece of trash!" She yelled, and Elizabeth obeyed.

"Sorry mot-," The goddess Elizabeth began, only to be slapped by the Supreme Diety. I was trying my hardest not to reveal myself, but it was incredibly hard.

"I wish I never gave birth to you, you insolent little bitch!" I snapped when the Supreme Diety slapped my mate again, harder this time.

"Do you even know where you are?" I asked darkly. The Goddess looked at the corner in fear. I revealed myself.

"Wh-what are you doing here!? You where banished!" She squealed.

"This was where I was banished too, Supreme Diety." I sigh, my palm coming into contact with my face. She instantly  looked terrified.

"But, I have a heart, no matter how small it may be, so I'll let you go. If you give me something in return."

The goddess shaking in front of me shook her head rapidly.

"I want your daughter."

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 08, 2019 ⏰

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