Sorry but its a note lol

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Hey MariChat fans! (Or miraculous fans.) So I know beginning notes suck but hang in with me. Anyways if you're here from the Wedgie Love story thanks first of all because you read all of it and second if your here to see wedgies and crap like that then you won't get much here but still I might add a few if you like my books and all that. Thanks for reading!

     Now if you're here for just MariChat you can be notified that a wedgie will be in the story when this is by the title. (W!!!) Alright and also if you came from Wedgie Love then a story for you is down below.


Chat jumped across Paris to reach is Princess. He wanted to prank her tonight after a movie they were going to watch. They at least been in a relationship for a year and a half. He knocked on the trap door and it immediately opened.

     Chat came in and looked at what she was wearing. "Uhh, Princess?" Chat asked. "Yeah?" Mari looked at him. "Why don't you have pants on?" Chat asked trying not to blush. Mari had on a black shirt and black underwear with her hair down. "You've seen me before." Mari said. "Yeah but that was an accident!" Chat said. "So it doesn't mean that it's normal!" Mari blushed. "Look is it really that bad?" Mari asked. Chat slightly panicked. "No no no it's fine!" Chat said shaking his hands in front of him.

     He cleared his throat. "Shall we watch that movie Princess?" Chat asked. "We shall Kitty." Mari said and rung his bell.

     After they finished the movie Mari was laying on Chat with her head on his chest. "I'm tired." Chat said yawning. "Really? I'm wide awake?" Mari said.

     Chat chuckled and placed his hands on the bottom of her back. He found her waistband and grabbed ahold of it. "Chat what are you doing?" Mari asked but she knew to well of what was going to happen. He pulled it up to her shoulders and Mari squealed. "Chat stop!" Mari said. "Why should I?" Chat asked. "Cuz I said so!" Mari said. "Nah." Chat said.

     Chat pulled her shirt up and unhooked her bra and put the leg-holes through them. He hooked the bra again and shoved the bottom of the shirt down the bra strap. "Chat! I said stop!" Mari said and sat up. Chat then started laughing. Mari unhooked the bra and the underwear snapped to the top of her bottom. She picked the wedgie and put her shirt down blushing rapidly. "Awe I'm sorry but it was to funny." Chat said. "Yeah whatever." Mari pouted. Chat hugged her and she hugged him back. "I love you." Mari said. "I do too." Chat said and kissed her.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 06, 2019 ⏰

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