- Be Mine -

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- Seth's POV -
- Seth baby, kiss me daddy. Touch me! Get all over me!, She moaned out while I was squeezed her ass and passionately kiss her.
- Sage baby, you're mine, don't you forget it.
- Seth...
- Yes dollface...
- SETH! SNAP OUT OF IT!, yelled Dean.
The boys and i were in the gym working on some of our moves. My head wasn't in the game since I constantly kept on thinking about Sage. I really liked her and ever since that night in the pool, I haven't had the guts to ask her out.
- Uh yes yes, I'm focused.
- Yeah right, Roman said sarcastically.
He threw me a water bottle.
- What the fuck is on your mind bro, you've been out of it for two days? We have a match with the New Day for the tag team titles tonight, we don't need you causing us the match cause of your daydreaming.
- S-Sorry... It's her.
- Who? Sage?, Dean questioned.
- Yea... I'm in love with her and lately we've been close like physically too and...I haven't had the guts to ask her out yet.
Roman and Dean both laughed.
- Colby, man up dude! She likes you, you like her, what's there to be scared of?
- Yea...You're right! I'm asking her right before Raw!
- That's it dude! Get tf out of here and do it!, Cheered the lunatic.
I was about to leave but he stopped me.
- Wait! Did you two um...have ya know....fuck eachother?
When he asked that my heart stopped.
- N- No...Well we kinda slept together but we were only have naked nothing really extra like ya know... Pregnant type...I mean we did touch each others'- Wait why the hell am I saying this??
I ran away and heard the boys laughing. Those two knuckleheads. I was looking for Sage but couldn't find her. Luckily, I found Sasha stretching.
- Hey Sasha.
- Sup Seth, what's up?
- Uh have you seen Sage anywhere, I said looking down..
- Oooooooooooo I see. Yep she's in the ring right now with Becks. -- They're preparing for their tag team match against Alexa and Nikki Cross. Have fun, she said while winking at me and giggling.
I thanked her and walked towards the arena. I saw her in the ring running through the ropes. Beautiful as always.

- Sage's POV -
I went on the top ropes and prepared my self for my moonsault until I saw Colby coming towards the ring. His messy man bun was so hot on him. I couldn't concentrate but I could hear Becks yelling at me to execute it on her. I did it but looked at Seth while I was in the air causing me to land on my stomach.
- Shit.
- You barely even touched me. Unbelievable. What has gotten into you girl?
She handed over her hand to raise me up. I held her hand and got up holding my ribs in pain.
- I don't know...Sorry Becky. I just need a break.
- Whatever I'll get my gear ready. See you tonight on raw and practice that move would ya.
I nodded as she left. Colby on the other hand still made his way toward me with a smirk.
- Am I that distracting, he teased.
- Nah, I blushed.
- Yea right. Anyways, wanna go out and get some air. We're in Pittsburgh! Might as well enjoy a nice walk in the beautiful streets.
- I rather not get far but we can get in the back of the arena outside. Pretty cool balcony back there. We'll enjoy right before we leave Pittsburgh, promise.
He nodded and followed me. We laughed and talked until he looked at me in a complete other way. A rather serious way to be honest.
- Sage... Remember that night when I confessed..?
- How can I forget?
I gave him a smile and there's no doubt he enjoyed my response cause he gave me a shy look but an adorable little smile taking my breath away.
- I realized it's not enough...I want you. You're amazing and perfect in every way. Sage Amarachie Smith, I want to be able to call you babe, sweetheart or even my girlfriend without feeling stupid. I want it to be official. Will you be my girlfriend?
My smile was large it could reach my ears. I smashed my lips on his and whispered in his ears "I would love to be your girlfriend pretty boy".

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