Chapter 2

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1. physical suffering or discomfort caused by illness or injury.


-Kasey's Point of View-

I look at Nick and he only has his eyes sticking out of the water like an alligator. I can't gain feelings for him. I just can't. I mean, he's just my best friend. Girls can have guy best friends. Even though he's really cute and nice, I can't fall for him. Plus he probably just thinks of me as a friend. I sigh and go underwater. Since I'm bored, I'm just gonna see how long I can stay underwater without going up for air. It's been about a minute, but I feel like I can keep going. I open my eyes and see that everyone's still in the pool. One minute and 20 seconds. My lungs hurt. I cough underwater and I feel water go up my nose and down my throat. [A/N: that happens to me sometimes, hopefully I'm not the only one.] I take my head out of the water and cough like crazy. "Are you okay?" I hear Adi ask. "Kasey?" "I'm okay." I say while I try to catch my breath. "What happened?" "I was underwater and water went up my nose and down my throat." I say. My throat hurts now. "Just take deep breaths." Tal says. I nod. "Okay." I'm kinda cold to be honest. It's 90° out here and I'm cold. Wow, I'm weird. I swim up to Tal. "I'm cold." "Uh, it's 90° and you're cold?" He asks loudly. "Shh, and yes." "I mean, you can get out and just tan, or maybe jump on the trampoline." "Can I just go inside?" "By yourself? Are you sure?" I can't be by myself for very long. I sigh. "I'll just jump on the trampoline, I guess." I mumble. "Hey. I'm sorry." Tal says. "For what?" "I'm just worried about you panicking a little with everyone here." "You're just looking out for me, it's okay." I say with a tiny smile. I get out of the pool and wrap my towel around me. "You're getting out?" Jojo asks. "I got cold so I'm just gonna chill on the trampoline." "Okay." I get on the trampoline and it's hot as hell. "Oh my god holy crap!" I yell and jump off. "What happened?" Tal yells. "I burned my ass on the trampoline! Shit that hurt." I see Adi trying not to laugh. "Kasey you're bleeding." Nick says. "What? Where?" "Your foot." Adi says. "Oh, I'm fine." I barely feel pain anymore anyway. Tal and Adi already know why but the rest don't. Shit. Should I fake my pain now? "How do you not feel that? It's bleeding a lot" Tal says. Oh he's acting. I look at Tal and he gives me a look. "Oh, now I feel it, yeah that hurts." I'm a terrible actor. A kinda cute guy walks outside but I have no idea who it is. "Aye, Caylus, what's up?" Adi says. "Hey guys. Who's the girl and why is she bleeding?" "That girl is my sister and she burned her ass on the trampoline, jumped off, and cut her foot." Tal says. "Hi." I said with a hint of shyness in my voice. I'm never shy, but he's kinda cute. But so is Nick. Shit. "I'm gonna go get something to help with that cut, be right back." He says and runs inside. Another guy comes out wearing Gucci. He starts yelling and I flinch. I cry when I get yelled at so I hope he doesn't yell at me. "Why is there blood on the concrete?" He yells. I sit down on the burning hot concert and just look down at the ground. "Chill dude, she hurt her foot and she can't walk." Michael says. "She could've tried to stop the bleeding or something!" He yells. My eyes start to water and my lip starts to tremble. I know I'm not being yelled at but I feel like I'm getting in trouble. I don't think anyone's noticed my lip so that's good. "I'm back with the bandages and stuff." Caylus says as he sits next to me and lays the stuff he brought on the ground. In the background I hear yelling. "Stop yelling, Jason." Adi says. "Don't tell me to stop yelling." "Are you okay?" Caylus whispers. God this concrete is so hot. I accidentally sniffle cause I was having trouble breathing through my nose and the yelling just keeps getting louder. "I'm fine." I lie. I continue staring at the ground. [A/N: my right hand is literally falling asleep while I'm typing and it's making it hard to type.] Caylus pours water on my cut and I flinch to make it seem like it hurt. "Sorry." He says as he puts gauge on the cut and quickly wraps a bandage around my foot. "Don't be, and thanks." I say looking up at him. "Were you crying? Did the cut hurt that bad?" "It wasn't the cut, it was the fact that Jason came outside yelling about how my blood was on the concrete." "You felt like you were getting in trouble." He said. I nod and he gets up. He reaches his hand out for me to grab it. I grab his hand and he pulls me up. "I'll clean up the blood." I say. "Don't worry, I got it." He says. "I'm Kasey, by the way." "I'm Caylus. I'm one of Tal's roommates." "I'm his sister. I just moved in." "Oh next to Adi's room?" "Yeah." "Cool, I'll stop by your room later. My room is next to yours. " "Okay." I feel someone staring at me. "Talk to you later." Caylus says and walks to the water hose. Oh he's gonna clean up the blood. I pick up my towel and look around to see who was staring at me. I make eye contact with Nick. Why is he staring at me? I limp over to the back door. Since the only thing wet is my hair, I walk in and try my hardest to walk up the stairs so I can shower. "Need help?" A voice says behind me. "I don't need help." I say. The voice is Nick. I start walking up the stairs slowly and I start feeling Nick staring at me. "Can you stop staring, please?" "I'm just just making sure you don't fall." He says. I sigh and continue walking up the stairs. I hate this.

-Tal's Point of View-

I don't see Nick or Kasey anywhere outside. Last time I saw Kasey she was with Caylus. I see Caylus with the hose cleaning up the blood so I walk up to him. "Hey have you seen Kasey or Nick?" I ask. "Uh, for Kasey, maybe check her room, but for Nick, I don't know. He could be in the shower or with your sister. Hopefully not both at the same time." "Dude! Don't put that image in my head, bro. Ew." He laughs. "I'm kidding. But I saw her walk inside, then I saw Nick follow her." "Thanks." I walk inside and hear talking upstairs. "I told you I don't need help. I can shower perfectly fine on my own." Kasey says. Shit, shit, shit. I run upstairs to Kasey's room. "What's going on here?" I ask casually. Act cool, Tal. Be chill. "Nick won't get out so I can shower." "I want to make sure she's okay." I sigh. "Nick, go to my room and wait for me there. Kasey, take a shower, take your time, and be careful." I say. Nick walks out and goes to my room. "Get out, Tal." "Wait. Are you okay? Your mood is changing." "Before you ask, no I'm not on my period. And I'm fine." I roll my eyes. "I'm not that guy anymore, and I can tell when you're lying. You aren't fine." When we were a little younger and her mood changed in five seconds I would always ask her if she was on her period. Our mom got me in trouble so I stopped. "When Jason started yelling it triggered something." She says. "Then I started crying in front of Caylus which was embarrassing." She adds. "Caylus is a nice guy. He won't make fun of you. Trust me." She nods. "I better get in the shower. Thanks Tal." "No problem." I walk out of her room and shut the door behind me. Time to be the over protective brother.


It's 3am and my eyes hurt. Anyway, hope you liked this chapter. Comment what you think is gonna happen to Nick. :)

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