Chapter 1

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Depending on who you asked, either the library had a cafe attached to it, or the cafe had a library attached to it. In reality, Feather's Cafe was not connected to the library in any way besides being physically next door to the building. Stephen's brother, Daniel, claimed that that the space didn't actually exist and was in a separate reality between time and space. Stephen liked to remind Daniel that he was full of shit and to keep his conspiracy theories about liminal spaces to himself, because Stephen's midterms were coming up and they wouldn't be passing all A+ by themselves.

"But I'm serious Stephen, the bartenders just know where you are. There's a sign that specifically says that they only cater at the cafe or next door to the library. They're not even the same franchise." Daniel over-accentuates, chewing on one of Stephen's pens and poking Stephen's elbow in a futile attempt to get his brother's attention.

"Maybe they made some sort of deal? I don't know, Daniel, and frankly, I don't really care. Why don't you ask the main bartender why they do it?" Stephen absentmindedly replied, scribbling down a few notes. What both of them knew, but neither of them acknowledged, is that Stephen agreed with Daniel over the sheer essence that radiated off Feather's Cafe. The ambience seems too ethereal to be real. It's says a lot about the place when struggling college students tend to flock to this specific cafe, the teachers tend to call it the Loitering Zone. It's Stephen's first time visiting the cafe, and he already feels the air of serenity washing away a few of his stresses. Stephen shrugged and shook his head to concentrate. Caligula. Napoleon Bonaparte. Stonewall Jackson. Focus.

"Ask Serena? Absolutely not. No way, I really don't want to get my future read by some prophetic wise-ass."

"Yeah ok. Actually no-wait. What's up with her weird schtick? Supposedly the statement she tells you will affect you in some mumbo jumbo spiritual level or something."

"Yeah, and it's true. I've seen it happen with my own eyes. You know that asshole, Jack? Yeah, he came over to try to hit on her and guess what? She replied with something stupid like 'Hatred is a passion that burns bright within you, but later burns up and leaves behind a heart filled with ashes.'" Daniel mocks, raising his voice a few octaves. Stephen raised his eyebrow with Daniel's memorization. He thought it kinda odd that his brother seems to distrust the bartender, yet learned her one-liners. "Jack came to me a few hours later bawling his eyes out, and feeling guilty about leaving some girl over in Colorado. Two days later he left and sent me a freaking postcard. I mean, look-look!" He rummaged through his laptop bag and pulled out a crinkled Colorado postcard, and threw it at Stephen's laptop screen. The picture depicted a woman with a small toddler cradled in her arms, smiling brightly. "That's some freaky shit, he keeps messaging that he's so happy and all that sappy-sappy romance boo-boo shit."

Stephen glared daggers at his expressive brother, and threw the postcard back at his face. "Look, dickwad, I really don't care about your stupid little crush, but this midterm? Worth my entire life. Worth everything. I came here to relax and actually finish this piece of shit paper, but I cannot do that with you blabbering about some girl." Stephen growled out, hitting the table with a sharp thud, attracting a few curious glances from others patrons.

"Dude, you're so fucking stressed." Stephen glanced up briefly to look at the grin Daniel was sporting. "Looks like you might need some life advice."

Stephen narrowed his eyes, Daniel had a smug look on his face. He's not liking what he's implying.

"No, definitely not."

"Come on, you just like to watch from afar, stop being a spectator and actually get some action." Daniel wiggled his eyebrows in emphasis, nudging Stephen's side ever so lightly.

"This is my first time being here, and i'm already feeling the lofty effect you kept screeching about. I'm not going to pop in to get my 'prophecy read' by some stranger."

"It's honestly not that bad, almost everyone has done it."

"And why haven't you done it yet?" That seemed to have shut Daniel up fairly quickly, because he made a sour-face and looked askance. When he caught Stephen's glance, his whole posture changed and he nonchalantly shrugged.

"Probably because I wouldn't be able to resist myself to chat her up y'know?" Stephen rolled his eyes, and pushed him.

"Go gossip with all your other friends."

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